Caught- Untangled

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Authors note:

YAY! It's the end of the book ^_^

Hope you guys enjoyed the lovely adventure you went on with this chick!

Comment?? lol. VOTE!??? dont care? Be the lovely readers you are and just read(:



My cheeks flustered I strangled to get from under her, somehow she had flipped me over and was beating my head into the ground. I stared at her face flames were a blaze in her eyes and I was having a hard time breathing. I felt as if I were to vomit it could be any minute. 

"Get off!" I screamed pushing her off of me with all my might. She glanced at me her eyes darting towards the gun in my hand and grabbed at it. 

"Bitch!" She screamed as she grabbed for it. 

I stared at her as I jerked it out of the way and she slipped on the ice slicked ground.

She landed with a thump barely missing her head, if she hadnt it would have been easier. My eyes casted downwards I reached for her hair.Pulling her head towards my face.

"I'll never forgive you for the things youve done, what youve started Ill never forget what ive done here. Ill never be able to forget.. I won't" tears slid down my face chilling in the breeze. 

"I wont miss the times we didn't have.' 

"I won't.." A tear from my eyes spilled down onto the face of my sister and I looked down at her, this was the hardest part after all. My temptations and regret. 

"I'll never forget." I whispered my words washing away in the cold wind.

I took the gun moving it towards her mouth her eyes watered she knew that this would be the end of her and I knew it too. 

She did not put up a struggle.

With no hesitation I lead the gun into her mouth shoving it in, my eyes widened this time she would have nothing to say, this time she would only remember, this time she wouldnt live to see tomorrow.

 I looked up at the sky which lay skattered with streaks of red and yellow white birds flew from one point to another in the shape of a "v" and I sobbed.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered to her.

I squeezed my eyes closed sobbing and grabbing at my stomach a loud pop sent me into silence as  tears spilled down my face I looked at the surrounding area.

Crimson crawled its way into the drains Antonia lay on the ground his close tattered and covered in dirt.

Sam, his hooded jacket revealed his high cheek bones and his hair blew in the wind. Then my eyes fell down to what I had just finished. Her chest fell up and down faltering, I had not had the guts to shoot my own sister in the mouth. I moved my dirty hand to my mouth sobbing.

Her blue eyes stared at the sky. 

I looked up blocking out the sounds of the world and screamed at the wind, the earth, the sky, the park. The place I lived in.

I let out a shakey sigh as I wobbled to a stand bending over retching my vomit mixing into the pulls of blood which lay around me. 

A frenzy of lights sent my thoughts scattering as I looked over at the three cop cars that pulled up parking around me. 

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