Chapter 4

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(Part 2 of MissGela's idea comes in here~ Also I've mentioned Urushihara and Shizuka's orientations already, time to bring in Momoko's)

Although neither of them could bare to come out and say it, both Emi and Chiho were desperate to know more about Urushihara's friends. They didn't say much to one another on the train or even as they explored the Shinjuku area, besides to discuss possible locations to look for them, or good hiding spots to watch from. The girls were too wrapped up in their own minds.

It was Chiho who managed to point out the unmistakably familiar purple shape ahead of them first. He was clearly trying to keep at least a few feet away from anyone else in the busy street, apart from two people who he stuck close to. Who he was talking to as they walked.

... Them...?

They didn't... look all that weird...

"Let's get closer." Emi muttered and led the way towards their targets.

They slipped into a clothes store when Urushihara and his friends stopped to look in a window nearby, careful not to lose sight of them. From there, they could observe the three without attracting attention.

The two other people - one boy, one girl - looked to be around the same age as Urushihara. That is, the age he claimed to be here on Earth. The boy wore glasses and a shoulder bag was hanging by his waist. He gave off a sort of laid-back vibe, standing a few inches taller than Urushihara with his hands in his pockets. As for the girl, she was a little more out-there, but not exactly the kind of 'weird' that Emi and Chiho had in mind. She was an explosion of colour - a bright pink beanie, an orange wristband, a long, loose blue top and a rainbow of bangles on one arm. They both smiled at something Urushihara had said and their conversation seemed to get a little more exciting.

Huh. This wasn't what Emi had expected.

Behind her, Chiho was watching with wide-eyed fascination.

"Wow..." she breathed, "They're actually... pretty normal. Cool, even!"

Before Emi could respond, Chiho had pulled out her phone and was hitting buttons rapidly.

"Mr Maou? You said you actually saw Mr Urushihara's friends that one time, right?"

"Uh... yeah?"

"Why didn't you tell us how cool and actually good-looking they were?!"

"W-what...? Chi, what are you talking about?"

"His friends! I just saw him with them, and they're, like, completely normal people! And they're even sorta attractive! And you didn't say anything!"

Back in the apartment, Maou groaned inwardly. How many times was he going to have to say this to somebody?

"Chi, I just caught a glimpse of them outside our restaurant, I didn't see them up close..."

Listening to Chiho's ongoing ranting, Emi's face practically dropped. This was no time to be reporting back to Maou, they were supposed to be gathering info.

Soon, Urushihara and his friends moved on and the girls trailed after them. When they realised their targets were headed for the train station, most likely going home now, they decided to call it a day. They could wait a moment until the three friends had gone then catch a train themselves. At least now they knew what kind of people Urushihara's friends were. And that they didn't seem to be doing anything particularly wrong. They did notice that Urushihara kept his head low around other people, but that was to be expected.

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