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Hailey and Niko...

They do not exist at all. It was just my imagination playing games on me. Maybe the fact I wanted a future so badly with Harry. But that's just it Hailey and Niko don't exist. Do I even exist in his world? After the car accident he wasn't the same as I first laid eyes on those eyes of his that pierced right through me. Something caused him to change. I was in a coma sort of way using my mind to keep me safe. I thought I was awake but I was trapped in a world where Harry and I were parents. Or adoptive parents? After a week of being trapped in my mind I awoke...

~One week later~

"HARRY!!! WATCH OUT THE CAR!!!" I shouted. "Ma'am it's alright you're safe," a lady came in. "What happened? Where's Harry? Where am I?" "You are at the hospital, you both were in a car accident and he hasn't woken yet," she told me. "How long have we been here?" "A week." "Can I see him?" "I don't see why not you seem stable and fine to me," she said and helped me up to my feet. Once I was plugged in to my machine we made our way to his room. "Sir calm down," a lady yelled to Harry. "Harry!!!" I ran into his room and saw him with those eyes filled with fear. "Who's that?" "What???" "Why'd he say that? WHY?" "Ma'am I don't know," my nurse told me. "Harry?" I walked closer to him but he would back away. "GET AWAY FROM ME I DON'T KNOW YOU!!!" "How could you say that? I love you," I said and touched his face. He pushed me away and that broke me. "Let's go ma'am," they told me and grabbed my arm. I resisted their grip and cried out to the man who had forgotten about his one true love. I was going mad for him. "YOU PROMISED ME YOU WOULD NEVER FORGET ME!!! YOU PROMISED!!! HOW COULD YOU FORGET YOUR ONE TRUE LOVE, HARRY???"

In that moment he looked at me as if he was remembering me. But he laughed instead. I looked at him so confused and desperate for him to remember me. "I don't love you." Those words stabbed me in the heart. "I don't even know you." How could he forget? "I love Annamarie." And I thought to myself if the first two sentences hurt me, this last sentence killed me. "You don't know what your saying," I cried. "Harry!!!" I turned to see Gemma and Niall enter. "What's going on?" "She's a crazy lady that says I love her and she loves me," Harry told Gemma. "He doesn't remember you?" She asked and looked at me. "Where's my girlfriend? Why isn't she here?"

"Mate she's right here," Niall told him and pointed at me. "She can't be. She's not my type," he killed me more. "You love her," Gemma told him and slapped him. "What's your problem?!?!" "That girl right there loves you, adores you, has been there for you, and you treat her like this. I know you forgot the most important part of your life where you met her and fell in love with her. But that does not allow you to act like a totally cunt you are or use to be," Gemma told him angrily. "I came as soon as I heard that Harry was in a car accident," someone behind me said. I turned following where those words came from. There she was, Annamarie. "Babe," I heard Harry say. I looked at him, a smile was plastered on my face but slowly left once I saw him go to her. "Babe you okay?" Having someone forget who you are hurts but watching them in the arms of someone else hurts more.

This could not be possibly happening, could it? "Yeah I am fine now that you are here," he said and kissed her. "HARRY!!!" Gemma and Niall shouted. "What???" "Nothing," I said and ran out.

Harry's P.O.V:
"Who was that?" "That was someone you love and someone who loves you," Gemma told me. "I don't even remember her," I told her. "But she remembers you and everything," Gemma said and walked out with Niall. "She's someone you need to forget," my girlfriend told me. But something didn't feel right like she must have been someone I cared for. Why did I feel strange? I had this urged to run after her. Something was telling me to. But why? Her face was filled with so many tears. I caused them but I don't know how or why I did but I did? She felt familiar like I knew her but then I didn't. She cried so much when I told her I didn't remember her. Do I know her? I was the cause of those tears. I "broke" that promise I made her? When did I make it? Why did it feel bad to not know someone that I hurt? I loved her? She loves me? When her small yet fragile hand touched me it sparked something. A memory perhaps?

Harry's Flashback:
I looked at my ceiling and said, "God I love her so much. Why do I hurt her if I love her?" My eyes began to tear up and I felt a tiny hand go on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Riley. "Riley. I'm sorry if I woke you up," I told her and wiped my tears away but more slipped out of my eyes.

She wiped away my tears and I saw her sleepy mode on. "You don't hurt me," she said and got off my bed. She stood up in front of me and then she sat next to me. She grabbed my hand and held it into hers. Her head went to my shoulder and she said, "Harry. It's so hard for me to tell you how I feel. But I feel butterflies in me. When we are in school I die a bit inside if you don't look at me. I hunger your touch ever since we did it. I hunger for those lips of yours and your eyes on me. I want them to be on me only. When I see you talking to other girls I get so jealous. I love it when you hurt me because at least I'm getting hurt by some one I fancy so much. And it feels like we're an old couple. I never get tried of talking to you, looking at you, feeling your touch, I never get tried of you. And I know the day if you slip away from me will be the day that I'll feel it won't be the same. Harry ever since you were you and we walked for hours that day was the day I knew I would love you. Harry I love you and now I have the balls to say it instead of trying to make it come out or even saying it in my mind. I love you."

Back to present Harry:
"UGH!!!" I grabbed my head and went to my knees as I received a flashback of one of memories. "Harry? Baby what's wrong?" "IT HURTS!!!" "What hurts???" I pictured the voice of the girl I saw in my flashback but that wasn't her voice at all. Where is she? And who is she? "STOP THE PAIN!!! Stop i-" I blacked out before I could say her name. "Riley???"

Riley's P.O.V:
I had to get out of that room. I just had to. Watching the person you love, "love" someone else wasn't a sight I ever wanted to see. My tears were all the prove I had that I love Harry. I thought he would remember me  once I touched him or once he saw me cry but he remembered nothing. Nothing, that's all I was to him, nothing? Before I knew where my feet took me I was where I was about to commit suicide from the death of my mother. "WHY GOD?!?!? WHY ME?!?!? WHY???" I couldn't and shouldn't blame God for any of this but he had the power to stop everything that happened, why didn't he? I threw myself on the floor crying to myself. Sobbing was all I could do at this point. My tears began to come rolling down my face. Words did not escape my mouth all I could do was yell my sorrows. The door which lead me up here went flying open. I turned around as I heard it slam against the wall. And there he was. "Riley???" He said...

So sorry that I hadn't updated life has got to me. Drama, fake friends, and boy issues all that. Well hello again my amazing, loved, awesome, incredible readers of mine. I know I took long to update and now that I did it is short but trust me I have big plans for my characters. This is just a sneak peak as you would say. Anyways last chapter will be 50. Why? I don't know maybe cause I'm making a sequel. Anyways I believe that since I took long to update I will tell you one thing that will happen next chapter.

It wasn't him who I needed but someone from my old town. It was Max, my old childhood crush. Why was he here. "Riley???" "Max???" "Look at you! You must be freezing? Here take my sweater?" "Thanks," I said once I took it. "I knew it had to be you when I saw you run past my grandmas room," he said and helped me up. "Grandma Ruth's here," I asked him. "Yeah she fell and I came to visit her you know how much I love her," he said. "Yeah I do," I said. "Why are you here? And what happened to your face? Why are you crying? Or have been?" He asked me so many questions and only one I decided to answer. "I was in a car crash and this is what happened," I faked laughed. "Oh okay," he knew me well enough I did not want to answer the rest. "Maybe when you feel better you would let me take you out for a coffee and catch up," he asked me out. "Sure I would love that," I agreed.

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