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Info: that is Ian from vampire diaries he is how I imagined Riley my character's dead father like.

I'm walking, where I'm I headed to, I know I need to follow the voice, I'm hearing that keeps on calling my name over and over. "Riley, Riley, Riley, Riley, and Riley," they kept on saying. "Who's there," I say and now I'm walking in the pitch black. I see a light coming to me usually they say don't go to the light and I didn't. It came to me. "Daddy?" I see my father in his solider uniform but with wings as well. "Riley," he says and comes to me, embracing me in a hug. "Daddy I've missed you so much," I tell him tears spilling out of my eyes and onto his uniform. "Darling you grew up beautiful. Just like your mom when I met her. Oh sweetie I've missed you more," he says as he spins me to get a whole look at me.

"How's your mom," he asks with a sad look on his face. "She's okay," I say. "Riley I know you're lying plus I've watch over you, your brother, and your mom," he says to me. "Well she was a Hooker but now she's there for me. Before she wasn't but now she is. She met John and she accepted it's not his fault you died. I met Harry my mom accepts him as well," I tell him. "That's great. Who is that Ryan guy though," he asks me. "He was my ex well still is but yeah. He was also my first in everything. He's Harry's step brother," I tell him. "Yeah I know I've been talking to Harry's dad his names Robert," he says. "Speaking of the devil," my dad says and looks pass me. I turn around to see a man coming all suited up along with wings as well. "Hello Riley," he says and kisses my hand. "Hello Mr. Styles it's nice to meet you," I say, I can see Harry and Paul  mix together to create Robert. "Call me Robert," he says. "How's Harry and Ryan," he asks me. "There great just having fights and hatred against each other, " I say. "Well I'm glad you choose Harry over Ryan," he says to me.

"Why is that," I ask. "Ryan's future is terrible if you're there. You won't make it terrible, he will, you'll end up getting abuse by him, cheated, lied to, and even forced to have sex. But if you never got with Harry his life would have been the same, shitty like it was before. Now that you're with Harry your future along with his is wonderful like you're meant to be together. But Ryan and you aren't meant to be. You bring the good in Harry something I never saw or thought could be in him. But also bring out the bad in Ryan that I saw in him but never came out. Do you understand, " he says. "Yes I do. Wait if I'm seeing you does that mean I'm dead?" "No we angels can enter a person's dream if we want to. I entered yours to talk to you and see you. Robert entered to meet the love of his son Harry," my dad tells me. "Soon you'll wake up," Robert tells me. "Oh I have questions for you guys before I awake," I say. "Go ahead ask away," they say. "Why did you cheat on Annie? She's great, wonderful, and beautiful. And dad why did you agree to send John away to aunt Carrie's?  Along with pictures and memories of him," I ask them. "I never cheated she was my first girlfriend Sarah I got her pregnant first with Paul, Sam and Cole that's why they are older than Gemma and Harry. But Ryan on the other hand he isn't mine no one knows but you, me, and Sarah. Then I meet Annie we settled down having Gemma and Harry but Sarah comes along and says I cheated on Annie with her and that Ryan's my kid. I tried to patch things up with Annie but I died in progress," he says sadly.

"Dad?" "Your mom never wanted a boy first but, I did, I loved him. You were born and she loved you. You were five when we send him away and you were little you didn't remember him that much. Your mom threw all the pics and drawings you and John drew. I think she regretted doing that because their in the basement. You know the rest how I died? And that's why she hated him? Now I see she knows she was wrong and regrets everything. That's why she hugged him at the airport?" "I understand now," I whisper. "Tell Annie I love her and Gemma that I wanted to walk her down the aisle one day. Harry tell him I'm proud he met you and treats you right. He's a good boy," he says. "I will," I say to Robert. "Baby girl tell your mom I love her and miss her even John," my father says and hugs me. "I will daddy. I love you and miss you so much," I say and start crying in his arms. "I love you and miss you more baby," he says. Something starts pushing me back away from them.

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