Leaving Rivendell

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Leaving Rivendell

I wake up to find that everyone was up, 'Why am I the only one who isn't up?' I ask myself. I linger in my spot for a bit until I'm a bit more awake and get up. I yawn and stretch my back, popping it, relaxing a bit more. I look around to see everyone was over in a huddle with everything packed and ready to go. 'I'm glad that they didn't leave without me. I'm actually surprised they didn't leave me, I would imagine from what happen yesterday, they would've certainly left.' I quickly pack my stuff seeing that everyone had theirs. Once I'm done with rolling up my sleeping bag stuffing it in my bag, I walk up silently, hoping to hear a bit of their conversation. Everyone was in a tight circle so no one saw me coming, then a perfect idea popped into my head. 'I should scare one of them,' I chuckle quietly as I make my way behind someone.

I take in a deep breath and yell, "RAWR!" at the top of my lungs tackling the person into a hug.

I hear everyone scream and let go of the person and started to laugh so hard that my sides hurt.

"Seriously Olivia?" Legolas asked getting up from the ground which I tackled him to.

"It was totally worth it," I reply in between laughs.

After a couple of minutes of laughing, it became awkward and I just stood there like an idiot.

"What?" I asked not knowing what I did wrong.

"This is a serious matter and you come in here and just mess with us," Air said pretty ticked off.

"Well I'm sorry that I'm an idiot sometimes and don't think things through," I shoot back, "Anyways shouldn't we be on our way then?"

"Yes, I think we should," Legolas agreed starting to walk ahead away from Rivendell.

I smile and walk a bit behind Legolas and Eowyn, but in the middle of Frodo and Air. I walk for a bit feeling a bit lonely not having anyone next to my side. After a few hours of walking in the middle of the couples and feeling extremely lonely, when I noticed Air and Frodo catching up with me.

I smile slightly not looking at her in the eyes as I was still a bit mad at her from what happen earlier.

"I'm sorry for what I did earlier down there, I just wasn't myself back there," she smiles reassuringly.

"Don't be, I should have not acted like a child. I should act more my age," I sigh not looking at Air.

"How old are you anyways?" Air asked trying to start a conversation.

"I'm eighteen years old, I'm actually glad that I look my age," I smile softly looking at her in the eyes for a bit, "How about you?"

"I'm thirty-two and Frodo is thirty-three."

"Wow," I replied a bit shocked, "a year a part not that bad."

"Yeah we've been married for only two months which is insane," Air replies smiling, probably remembering some memories.

"Oh yeah? That's really interesting, I can't seem to hold a steady relationship or even get one," I reply sadly, always managing to make the conversation depressing.

"I'm sure you'll find someone," she answers positivity which brightens up my mode in a second.

"Thanks," I smile back.

I looked around seeing that the sun was setting, 'Already, it seemed like only a couple of minutes we've been walking.'

"Um...Air I think we should stop soon, it's almost night fall," I warn Air.

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