Why Should You Be Worried About Me?

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"Olivia!" Airsan's voice rang through the air breaking me out of my thoughts as I turn my head around to see Air and Frodo, "Are you coming or what?"

I smile looking at the two, "Yeah sorry kind of went into my own world!" I yell back running towards Frodo and Airsan, not bothering to look back at Eowyn and Legolas, knowing they would catch up when they wanted to.

"I'm worried about you, Olivia," Frodo admitted to me looking over to me giving me a small smile.

"Why?" I ask scared for his reasoning, "Why should you waste a good worry on me?"

"Because of what you said earlier, not knowing where it came from," he replied sighing.

"But it shouldn't matter, should it?" I asked getting worried myself.

"Yes it does, Olivia, no knows what the ring in tails!" Frodo yelled looking at me, "Unless you were with us at Bag End when Gandalf shoved the ring into the fire! How could I be so stupid!"

I just look at him in shock, "As I would ease drop on you!" I yell back, anger showing on my face.

"I would think you would! Since you have that monster inside of you!"

I stop in my tracks in shock as I look over to Frodo, eyes wide, a million thoughts running through my head, "What do you mean?" I ask, pretending not knowing what Frodo said.

"You know exactly of what I speak of," he hissed his face in front of mines.

"Frodo I don't!" I lied wanting him to drop the subject, "so I suggest you stop before a chop your head clean off!"

"Don't threaten me unless you want me to bring him out!" Frodo yelled back taking out Sting, his sword.

"Are you sure you want that?" I asked smiling a bit, wanting to bring the monster out for some odd reason.

"Stop it you two!" Legolas yells at us, as he was behind me.

"I didn't start this fight! Frodo was the one to be worried about me! Only because I said:

Three rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,

Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,

Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,

One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne

In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

One ring to rule them all, One ring to find them,

One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them

In the Land of Mordor where the shadows lie," I stare in shock for what I just said.

"Did you just say that?" Legolas asked staring at me, mouth hung open eyes wide, as everyone around me had.

"I believe I just did," I nod, "is that a bad thing?"

"I would take this sign as a bad one, for something terrible is bound to you, Frodo, and the ring," Legolas replied as the others were too shock to speak a single word.

I nod looking at Frodo, as I was scared for the safety for the Fellowship, "So be it!" I yelled smiling looking at everyone.

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