A Scream in the Night part 2

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I look away from Frodo and Airsan, to watch Eowyn walk over to the ring stopping infront of it freezing in fear. I let out a sigh as I feel her fear of the one ring and it's power.

"One ring to rule them all. One ring to find them. One ring to bring them into the darkness and bind them," I mutter to myself not knowing where I got that from but knowing the it was linked to the ring.

"What was that Olivia?" Frodo asked gently.

"On ring to rule them all. One ring to find them. One ring to bring them into the darkness and bind them," I repeated louder than before.

Legolas turned his gaze from Eowyn to me as Eowyn from the ring. Airsan looking away from Frodo to me curisoity in her eyes but Frodo showed panick and fear.

"Where did you get that from Olivia?" Legolas asked worry and panick in his voice.

I look around confused for what is going on, "I do not know Legolas, it just came to me but I know it's somehow linked to the ring. How come?"

I do not get a reply but to see Legolas give a worry glance to Frodo, as Frodo returnes his glance in return. My heart beats faster as the sinlce grows longer, after each passing second the heaviness of the ring grows stronger onto my heart as it does to whoever it has touched. I started to fidgeting for the silnce was too quite espically being in the forest at night, not a single chirp of a criket to be heard.

"How come Legolas?" I finally broke the silnce as it became uncomfortable for me to bare.

"Because Oliva," Frodo said still on edge, "no one knows of what you said beside me, Airsan, Legolas, Gandalf, and Eowyn. No one else knows what's engraved on that ring."

"But there's nothing, no words or a single strach to show those words," I reply looking over to the ring seeing if my statement was true.

"Aye but Olivia only fire can show what it truely entales," Frodo answered my question quickly after I asked.

"That still doesn't explain how she learn of that saying," Legolas reminds us.

"It's a mystery to us all," Frodo replied looking around to everyone in the Fellowship.

"Unless," I say a theory popping into my head, "unless it wants to take over me making a monster forever, trapping my soul inside of my body seeing the evil it brings but can't do anything about it."

"Isn't that a bit dark for you Olivia?" Legolas asked in respons to my thoery.

"It's as dark as the preson who says it Legolas," I respond keeping a straight face, that keeping Legolas quite.

The quite grows longer until Eowyn picks up the ring shutting her eyes tight trying to keep the darkness at bay.

Eowyn starts walking towards us staggering with each step sturggling to keep her eyes open, a thick vial of sweat covered her as she reached us.

"He-here Frodo. I found it," Eowyn froced out collasping to the ground before reaching Frodo, the ring right infront of him.

Fear and shock ran through everyones faces as Eowyn falls to the ground, I hug my knees a few tears escaping my eyes.

Legolas runs over to the side of his companion, "Eowyn! You alright?'

"The ring....I could feel him....watching us.....he's coming for us," Eowyn struggled slipping in and out of conciseness.

"It's not safe to stay here anyone longer. They know we are here we have to move," Legolas infromed us as he lifts up Eowyn, putting an arm around her to help her stay balanced.

The blood drained out of Airsan's face, "To the pass of Caradhas."

Frodo and Airsan stand up, hand in hand as the start walking forward.

"What's going on?" I asked confused, too many things happen at once for my brain to comprehend.

"We're leaving Olivia! I suggest you should follow if you want to live," Air shouted to me as the walked the farhter a head.

I nod and stand up walking past Legolas and Eowyn glancing at them before catching up to the two hobbits.

"What's wrong with Eowyn?" I ask Airsan.

"She's weak, the ring made her," Airsan replies sighing looking over to her husband Frodo.

I look over my shoulder seeing Legolas and Eowyn hugging, Legolas wishpers something to her but I didn't bother to catch it as I would think they wanted to be a lone together. I smile to myself turning my gaze back to the path in front of me. 'One ring to rule them all. One ring to find them. One ring to bring them in the darkness annd bind them,' I say in my head moving my lips to the words but not to make a sound.

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