A Long Night

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I a woke with a start to see the sky was bark and the stars shown bright. I look around to find that everyone was sleeping peacefully but I didn't wake up for no reason someone or thing is here and I can sense it. I get up from my spot pulling out on of my throwing knifes, ready to attack if needed. I stood still letting my hearing guide me away to who ever was near. It's silent, completely silent, nothing not even the fait sound of the wind, well until I heard some rustling from the woods behind me. I turn around reading my knifes to throw. I wait for a moment until I heard some more rustling and see someone merge from the bushes. I yell throwing my knife at them, they dodged both of them as the pulled out their bow.

"If you throw one more of those knifes again, I'll shoot you dead," Legolas yelled at me.

"Legolas?" I asked a bit disbelief for a moment.

"Olivia?" he asked me back.

"Thank all who live in Middle earth it's you," I sigh dropping down my arms, "I thought I was actually going to have to kill someone for the first time."

"You haven't killed anyone before?" Legolas asked curious about my statement before.

"Yeah," I chuckled a bit walking towards him, "I never had or wanted to and I am scared to."

"You have a good heart then but I'm afraid that'll change soon," Legolas admitted to me walking over to a rock and sitting down looking over to me.

"What do you mean?" I asked sitting down towards him.

"War poisons your mind and I'm afraid that you're going to go insane," he explained more.

I simply nod, "Why aren't you asleep?"

He sighed, "I just can't. The hard ground is too hard for me and I just can't."

"Oh," I say simply not knowing what to say back.

"How about you, why aren't you asleep?" Legolas asked me back.

I smiled shyly, "Uh...you woke me up," I chuckled a bit.

"Really?" he asked a bit shocked.

I nod a bit shyly.

"But how? Elves are usually light on their feet, rarely being able to be heard by others."

"I wasn't woke out by sound actually, just your presents being here moving around which woke me up," I answered being a bit fantasized with myself.

"Really that's very interesting, I don't think I've ever heard of something like that before in my years of living."

"A lot of people say that about me...," I trailed off remembering the things that had happen in the Shire, shivering at the thoughts of it.

"You alright Olivia?" Legolas asked noticing me doings so.

"No I'm not Legolas. I wasn't the one who stabbed me in the chest it was someone else," I admit a though I didn't want anyone to know, not just yet.

"Who did it then? Because I recall you were one who impaled it into your chest," Legolas replied a bit ticked, probably thinking I'm joking.

"I'm not joking," I say rather quickly.

"I never said you were," he replied back looking away into the forest.

"I just can't tell you....just not right now," I sigh laying back down onto my spot.

"And why can't you tell me?" Legolas asked me being nosy.

"I just don't trust you enough, I've only known you for a couple of days...I'm sorry Legolas I just can't."

"It's alright Olivia," he sighs, "get some rest we have a big day tomorrow," and with that he fell silent slipping back into the woods.

I sigh as I think to myself as I lye trying to clear my mind of everything but can't. I think of my father, my mother, my family, just everything that has happen. I lay restless too deep in thought to go to sleep until I hear a scream price the night.


Ooh cliff hanger! Hey guys sorry it took me a while to update but I'm thinking I'll start updating this on Fridays instead of Wednesdays because it's just easier for me. I usually have homework on Wednesdays and usually spent when I get home. So Fridays it will be updated see you in the next update. Wow this really doesn't make since. Also this is a filler chapter, I really didn't want to put drama after drama but oh wellz. BYEZ! :3

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