-- 13 -- I Know --

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 The rest of the weekend was spent doing absolutely nothing all day and not even changing out of my sweats for the next two days. I really dreaded the thought of Monday. Liam would have to go to practice and we'd both have to go to class and go back to our regular routines again.

The week prior had worn me out, my head was getting better but my body was exhausted from the sleepless nights the first few days after I was in the ER. A weekend of nothing but laying around with Liam ignoring the rest of the world was just what I needed.

"Can they just cancel class tomorrow," I groaned as I laid next to him on the couch Sunday afternoon.

"Why would they?" he laughed.

"Because it's supposed to snow and be really fucking cold," I replied.

"Probably not because we only have class two days this week anyway," he replied, "You Americans have to have Thanksgiving on a Thursday for some stupid reason."

"You Canadians are stupid for having yours on a Monday," I laughed, "I don't want to go home."

"I'm not going home," he replied.

"Lucky," I replied, "I have to go home. Mom would not like it if I didn't."

"It's not worth it for me," he replied, "We have a game Tuesday and practice Wednesday morning and Friday night."

"That sucks," I replied, "I'd invite you over but my Mom probably wouldn't be about that."

"No big deal," he laughed halfheartedly, "I didn't expect an invitation."

"Yeah that'd go over well," I laughed, "Hey Mom can my new boyfriend who was cheating on his ex-girlfriend with me over to Thanksgiving?"

"That'd go over like a fart in church," he smirked.

"That's probably the best analogy to use," I laughed, "Don't get me wrong Liam, I do love my family it's just my mom has this idea of how I need to act and what I need to do. She's have a shit fit if she knew how we got together or that we've been sleeping together."

"I get it," he said, "She doesn't need to know any details, nobody does for that matter. All that should matter is that you're happy."

"Thanks Liam," I smiled.

"Now, for the important things," he said, reaching for his phone, "The Habs game starts in an hour and we don't have food."

"You're the one with the car," I laughed.

"Chinese or pizza?" he asked.

"Those are such healthy options," I laughed.

"You've eaten nothing but healthy all week, you're cheating today," he replied with a smirk, "That way I don't feel bad about it."

"Chinese," I laughed.

"Let's go get it then," he said, grabbing his keys off his dresser.

"Damn you guys suck without Price," I laughed as we watched the game.

"No we're doing fantastic," he remarked, rolling his eyes, "I don't see the humor in this."

"I do," I laughed, "Everyone thought they were the shit at the start of the season and now they're not even in a playoff spot."

"And that's funny?" he grinned.

"Very," I winked.

"Oh really?" he asked.

"Really," I smirked, kissing him right square on the lips.

"You're lucky you're hot," he laughed, kissing me in return and pushing me onto my back.

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