Chapter 4

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I really don't know if I look forward to eating at the dining table together with Grandpa as we're mostly engulf with silence nothing but the sounds of our plates clattering. It wasn't always like this. Back when all the chairs were occupied or not, he'd always have a way to entertain us no matter how much busy he'd get. It was as if my grandmother's passing and him shutting us out affected his interpersonal relationships. I wanted to push more questions, but I may be crossing the line after his withdrawn gestures. Maybe I was too careless and impatient.

"I've never seen Sasha before. Is she a new hire?" I asked with memory from last night still fresh in my mind. I swear I didn't hallucinate it, but I wish I did. After that, I'm anxious to know  more about her.

"She is. She came after Laurel retired." His expression softening, showing his interest in the topic. "If you ever need someone to talk to if I'm not around, you can approach her. I think you two would get along well."

I highly doubt that. "You think so? I don't think she likes me."

"How so?" He changed and seemed genuinely concerned, his brows furrowed as he leaned forward. I felt like I shouldn't have said something.

"Please don't tell her this-"

"I won't." He held up his hand as an assurance.

"I don't know-"   I hesitated to continue on with little evidence I have. Will he believe me if I tell him she's a knife-wielding psycho? That's too much. Was what I feel enough? "I just feel like she doesn't want me around here. She seemed tense."

"Sasha isn't good with strangers so there may be a bit of discomfort at first. I assure you she's a lovely girl. I trust her around with the house so don't hesitate to approach her, or try to get to know her."

"I guess I'll try."

He gave a satisfied nod and smiled. "If you're still concerned, just come to me."

I felt like a heavy burden has been lifted up in my chest. I''m not good with strangers as well, so I had to prepare very detailed steps on how to approach her in every second that counts.

Despite our seemingly good talk, I can be very persistent at times, so I let out a last question before he could get a chance to leave me for the whole day. "Can we visit Grandma someday?" I bit my lip, an instant regret etching inside me.

He sighed and gave a downcast smile. "Maybe someday."

As expected, he stood up and went on his way. It was like he was indirectly telling me to not cross that line. He wasn't willing to budge. Was Sasha here to witness it all?

I placed myself at the middle of the stairs on the first floor. Behind me was the still-locked door, leading to one of the main rooms. It was more mysterious and attracting than the door Grandpa prohibited me from going. More so, it's shocking that out of all the rooms this particular one is locked. I imagine myself running over it, but I'd probably break first than the door.

The creaking floor caused me to turn my back, alerted. Not so surprisingly Sasha stood there with a high ponytail wearing a plain shirt and shorts. The broom on her hand dangling by her side. With lesser negative  thoughts, I stood and greeted her merrily, hoping I hid my nervousness well, "Hi."


I don't know what comes after hi.

I stepped aside to allow her to pass by. It felt like an opportunity of friendship was about to slip so I didn't want to end it there. "I haven't seen you before. Are you new?" I recycled the conversation, at the same time curious if both of them are going to answer differently.

"I guess you could say that." She turned to face me.

"Why is the door locked?" I didn't know how to keep the conversation, so I just spouted something that's not too personal.

"Which one?" She squinted her eyes and focused her attention on my stiff body. This feels like some sort of test. It was like she's waiting for me to slip and disobey Grandpa's request. Am I overthinking it? Regardless, I decided not to fall for it.

"This one.....?" I pointed at my back, giving her a confused tone.

She nodded. "It's been locked for awhile. He thinks it's time to reconstruct it. Do you need something?"

"My cousins and I used to spend our time in that room. I'd just like to see it again. For memories sake."

"I see. I'll have to ask, or you can ask sir about it." She gave me a small smile before turning away, but stopped at the near bottom and turned. "How long would you be staying here?"

"Just a month, I think." If I hadn't have that conversation with Grandpa I would assume she'd want me to leave. That could be a possibility, but this girl is good at giving mixed signals.

"Then... don't hesitate to come to me if you need anything. I'll be around." She walked away to the side, leading to other rooms.

Can't say for sure I would just order around a stranger, regardless when she's getting paid for it. I'm just a really shy person. Even so, I don't really feel any comfort around her.

'I'll be around.'

Seems like a warning message.


I never really thought of it much as there were more pressing matters, especially after I burst out of my sleep in cold sweat and in the dead of the lights. No really, I can't get my lamp to turn nor the light switches. The dark felt more menacing after hearing loud mumbles below. The thunders weren't helping enough. Pretty sure last time wasn't a dream but I couldn't dismiss it this time.

I grabbed the lamp beside my bed and held my phone up to guide myself. I was scared and hesitant. My head is filling up possible scenarios of our impending doom. Although, no matter how much I stalled there were no detrimental screams frightening enough to make me jump off the window to escape.

The heavy crash gave me the push I needed and opened the door. My piercing screams hopefully reached whomever's house is near, but before I could strike I saw Grandpa's half of his face lightened up by the phone.

"Wait, it's all right." He calmly assured me. "We had a power outage."

"I think I heard someone from below."

"There's no one else there." He looked at me confused. "Here, some candles in case your phone's dead."He handed me a couple of thin candles and a match.

"Are you sure?" I put lamp down to receive them. "Should we call for help just in case?" I was still a bit out of it.

"No," he quickly said. "I didn't encounter anyone coming up here, so rest assured. You're probably just imagining things."

Am I going crazy? Is this the result of reading too much creepypasta on that site?

"Would you like me to stay with you until you fall asleep?" I noticed the worry on his tone. Honestly, someone beside me right now would have subsided the uneasy feeling, but the awkwardness would prevent me from falling asleep. What is wrong with me.

"I think I'm fine now." It was true. There was a barrier that''s yet to be gone between us. Only someone close would I be able to find consolation. "I think I'll just listen to music for awhile."

"If you say so. Good night then." He stopped at the door to give an interesting reminder. "Sasha is staying beside your room just in case."

The door closed. I couldn't hear anymore noise after Grandpa's presence except for the light rain outside. Maybe I am starting to imagine things. I should lay off the horror stories for awhile.

It was yet another sleepless night.

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