Chapter 5

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I was told it would be a relaxing stay once I set foot on this place, but it was too relaxing for my liking. Alone in the dimly lit dining room, the chandelier above losing its light, I sat with my half eaten soup, and my thoughts running in my head. Grandpa sure is avoiding me. I haven't seen his sunken eyes since morning. More and more questions formed in my mind the longer I didn't sleep last night.

Finishing up my food, I got up to wash it but Sasha was at the open entrance to the kitchen, sending daggers through her eyes once again.

"I'll do it." She grabbed the  bowl and cup from me without giving me a spare glance anymore.

"I didn't know you were beside  my room." I attempted to sound only a bit of a meanie but it came out softly as a breathy response.

"That's where I've been staying, " I followed her towards the sink  near the refrigerator where she placed the dishes in.

"Did you hear anything strange  last night?" I just needed to know that I'm sane.

"No?" Not only her confused look was visible on her, but she''s about to look at me as if I'm crazy.

"Oh. I thought someone broke in. Sorry, must have been my imagination."

"I understand. I'd often hear whispers, but no one could." She started scrubbing the plates with intense speed never letting her eyes off from the sink. "One time, a figure suddenly disappeared when I looked back at a corner."

I didn't know what to say. It seemed very personal, and I wasn't prepared  for this kind of conversation with her. "That seems like what happened last night. Grandpa never heard it."

She wiped the dished and placed them in the board at the side. At the top of that was a rectangular window, letting a little sunlight pass through. "Maybe this house is haunted."

"I hope not. Grandpa would have warned us."

"Well, we're still alive so that's good news." She relaxed her shoulders and leaned on the counter, her expression softening for the first time. Although I still couldn't read her, but this pleasant exchange between us made me loosen up. "Have you visited the town, yet?"

"I've been planning to after eating." I've been contemplating about it since last night. After what occurred, I needed to gather some fresh air and walk around to remind me one of the fun times from my childhood. "Have you seen Grandpa? I need to tell him I'm going out."

"I'll just tell him."

I nodded after a pause with a hint of suspicion. I was under the the impression she's trying to get me scolded and act innocently afterwards. I'll just see if Sasha is a suitable companion for the rest of my stay. Maybe then I'd somewhat feel secure around her.

I'm done exploring the house, it's time to have a trip down another part of my memories to see if I can recall anything else. With the umbrella Sasha gave (she badgered me to bring one with the continuous downpour lately), I slightly closed the metallic sharp-edged gate that separates the manor from the outside. I follow the path across the sizeable bridge out to where society is as I pass by an arch filled with leaves. I was met with a dog peeing on a fire hydrant in front of an antique shop. Lovely.

As I stepped on the concrete street, I was met with a huge wave of nostalgia but was instantly snapped back as I hear an ambulance near. Being a nosy girl, I charge towards it, reaching my destination after taking a turn on the corner straight to where the park is. Near it by an alley of the mayor's hall were people gathered around the ambulance. Gossip reached my ears as I step closer. Apparently it was a murder with the victim stabbed multiple times through the stomach.

With that in mind, I might head home without the clock reaching six. I might even sprint right now, but that would be suspicious in situations such as these especially when police are fully vigilant around the crowd.

The topic repeated as newcomers approach the scene. It was awfully taking a toll on me so I slowly move away, not until a tall, sturdy body almost knocks me on the ground. The young man didn't bother to apologize but ran straight to his car like his life depends on it. I turned the other way to escape this tight space.

I circled half way around the park with less people and sat on the bench with a tree shading me. With a bit of a late reaction, I scoffed at the man from earlier. I somehow regretted of wanting to encounter something unusual throughout my stay here. I wouldn't be able to go out without someone accompanying me now.

In front of me was a newly built cafe. Its different shades of blue allures me to visit it, though the stairs seems more captivating to go at. What I didn't expect was someone to call my name in this unfamiliar scene at the top. I swerved to see a dark haired young man wearing a white long sleeves rolled up his snow-like arms, his blue eyes beaming as he saw me.

"I knew it was you." He turned towards the girl with short, brown hair, covering almost half of her face. "Guess my memory is better than yours." He smirked as he tried dodging her attempts of slapping his arm.

"Whatever." She rolled her round eyes at him and gave me a small wave and smile instead.

"I'm sorry-" I approached their table with two of their drinks under the shade of the coffee shop, a bit embarrassed I can't recall both their names.

The young man held up his hand, chucking. "It's fine."

"Can you refresh my memory?" I expectedly looked at them both, waiting for one of them to engage.

"Jeff? Sounds familiar?"

"Oh!" His astonishment passed on towards his friend as well, only slight. "No I still can't-" It was his turn to roll his eyes after falling for my light tease.

"My name's Brix." The girl added.

While I may not remember them, it already felt like a heartwarming reunion between longtime friends. The unfortunate incident seemed so far away, but it served as an instant reminder when Brix brought it up.

"It's tragic isn't it?" She wrapped her arms around her violet sweater and looked across the terrace where people are beginning to disperse from mayor's hall.

"And I even just got here now all these scary starts happening." Jeff sighs, his bangs almost covering his eyes as he faced down and shook his head.

"Are you all also coming back for a visit?"

"Yep!" Brix said her pitch rising in excitement. "I'm staying here for a break before going to college. I miss it." Her dreamy smile showed through her thin lips.

"Don't go off alone where there's less people." Jeff scolded her.

Brix only rolled her eyes. ""Maybe we could all hang out together and talk about old times."

"With none of you remembering shit?" Jeff does have a point, it just made us both laugh.

"I mean i have some parts of it. Maybe you could fill those?"

"I don't trust him." Brix said nonchalantly.

"Whatever. You guys have shit memories." I guess Jeff is just a naturally funny guy.

I'm glad I decided to go out. I never thought I'd reconnect with my childhood friends even with no recollection of most memories with them. All I could recall was Jeff wasn't allowed to be out often and he mostly played with my cousin. I couldn't recognize him first with his spiked bangs covering his forehead.

I didn't hang around for too long as out of all things I could leave behind I forgot to bring money with me. With not much hours to spend the day anyway, we planed to go around the day after. Lesson learned, I'd bring money around starting from now on. It felt like I finally have something to look forward to here.

With a smile on my face I walked home before less people appear on the streets, but as my feet set on the path near the residence, the cheerfulness began to fade. Two police cars were parked outside our gate. I guess one relaxing day was still too far off.

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