Chapter 9

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An unexpected visitor came by today, urging me to dress up so randomly. I put on a white shirt and a knee length shorts to go by it. Overall, I have little to no preparation of being presentable in front of someone. Sasha only accompanied me through the front door while describing the mystery person outside the gates. For all I know, there's only one girl who knows about me ere as of now.

"Hi!" Brix greeted me with her infrequent smiles. Her mauve headband ads vibrancy to her character, the loose strands of her hair at the front swayed by the light breeze together with the faint scent of her cologne and her bubble skirt.

"Sorry I just woke up."

"No worries. Remember or plans? Jeff said there's not much people out so it's a great day to have a trip down to memories!"

This was it. An opportunity to momentarily get out of the  house! I sighed a huge relief and wanted to hg her if it weren't for this 10 feet metallic, dingy gate between us. Although I did not expect this meeting, the earlier the better. "I'd love it!"

"We'll be waiting at the cafe like we talked about. Do you have my socials?"

"Can't believe we have just-" I mentally scolded myself for being an airhead.

I hurried once more to change my unsightly attire with something more presentable for a triple friend date? Time seems to be so fast. In a blink of an eye I was already rushing towards the gate, passing by Sasha, who momentarily stopped me to inform that she'll ask permission from Grandpa whether we can have a sleep over. After thanking her for being thoughtful, I once sprinted towards the cafe.

At the very spot where I first met them, they both sat on the same seat but with different drinks this time. Brix's demeanor completely changed, arms crossed as she rolls her eyes at whatever Jeff's chuckling about as he sips his mocha drink. It felt like a scenery from a movie as the breeze gently ruffles off the leaves from the tree that surrounds bit parts of the cafe's porch.

My heart lightened more as I greeted them joyfully "Hi!" It was then a bit of nervousness settled in as I still don't know how to start a conversation. I gripped the strap of my small bag.

"Come sit!" Brix pats the chair in between them, rapidly changing her manner after seeing me. It honestly kind of makes me feel special and closer to her.

I faced Brix as she recommended me some of the drinks before we set out and walk around. I didn't know how to insert myself into the conversation so I mostly stayed quiet unless it was something related to in our past, which is almost a blank slate for me. I made a mental note to check for pictures stored who knows where back at the house. I just know there are.

Thankfully, my presence didn't seem to wane around them. They'd occasionally face towards me to ask questions but I can't seem to have the same conncetion Jeff has with Brix. Apparently, Jeff has no plans in going to college and his stay here was indefinite while both Brix and I are limited for a month or so.

"What do you plan to do in the future?" I shyly asked as I lightly shake the ice cold drink wrapped in tissues and walked beside Brix. For some reason, I couldn't stare straight through his soft, blue eyes. I felt paralyze and wanted to hide behind Brix. I didn't mean it in a bad way though! I wish I should have stayed quiet but I didn't want to seem boring.

"My goals," he grinned.

"What goals?" Brix surprisingly asked. I didn't think she wouldn't know, but then again Jeff would just mostly ask about her.

"Goals that I have since I was a kid," he smirked, teasing us.

"Seriously?" She stood still and looked directly dead set into his eyes. I don't know how she does it. Maybe I'm just not used to be around handsome, smooth, intimidating-looking guys.

We stopped in front of an ice cream shop, also rich in vibrant colors. I remember this being a small snack and candy shop with muddy painted woods at the counter. Behind it was small jars f ingredients and equipment fr making ice cream. Though there were still some candies lined up at the corner of the counter that made me buy some.

Way pass that was our small hiding spot behind a bus near the playground just right behind someone's fenced backyard. We sat and finished our drinks there while we talk about how some of us played here. To my surprise, it did unlock a memory of me and my cousin with a mystery boy with bronze, messy hair whose name I couldn't remember. The more I think deeply about it, the more the fog seems to be clearer.

"We'd often tell scary stories here, right?"

Jeff's astonished approval put a smile on my face and applauded my brain for its 'hard' work.

"I remember how one of my cousin brought a flashlight and how we laughed before we started running away. I couldn't recall the full story but we rushed out of there fast."

"Yeah Brix was crying real hard it was funny."

She rolled her eyes and slapped his arm that made him retract a bit from Brix, holding up his arm expecting more bits. "I was scared for my life and you're just-"

"Ghosts aren't real!"

"They are!" She scoffed.

I laughed as the exchanged banner. Although sadly I have to admit that Brix wasn't good on that filed, but in this moment I've created more  beautiful memories that will bury the bad. Our next stop was the park we passed around to come here. Under a tree shade, each took picture on Brix's phone and mine. After awhile, Jeff rolled his eyes in annoyance when she asked to take another picture. Brix explained how picturesque it is now that more birds landed on the ground near the small pond.

"I've gotta go," he said after taking a quick peek at his phone. "Let's do this again, alright?" He each gave us a look of eagerness in his eyes.

"I'll pester you," Brix said, waving her hand away.

"See you," I gave him a warm smile, though I couldn't directly look at him for too long. I know something deep down in me that's been irking to voice it out. The first day I met with my two friends, I was riddled in fear and didn't pay much attention to other details. Now...

"He's really handsome, isn't he?" Brix noticed my dazed stare.

"Oh. Yeah! It's obvious," when there are times I try not to imply something it does comes off as suspicious so now what she's probably hearing is that I have a huge, biggest crush on Jeff. The mischievous stare confirmed my thoughts.

"No!" I beat her to it. "No I don't! You may think so, but there's just something I don't know if you can relate."

"What? Tell me!" Brix dragged me to the bench next to the pond where we formed a not so much of a secret.

With the newfound easement I had around her I hoped she has the same interest as me as I told her about a certain site where I've been reading these horror stories. As soon as I mention the name, she almost took ff her seat in delight.

"No way! I also-" she unlocked her phone and showed me the same recent site she visited. "I get what you're talking about," she squealed, the tough and sassy personality she had earlier vanished.

"I thought you'd make fun of me," I matched her energy with her unexpectedly shaking my shoulders. This is one hell of a fun day. I don't feel like going home any time soon no matter how much hours we spent walking and talking already.

"I have the same thoughts. Like Jeff does look kind of like Jeff the Killer from all the drawing and description not the personified edited one that's been going around-" I nodded along the sentence, hearing my ow thoughts pouring out of her. We're going to have a lot to talk about.

"I didn't want to bring it up because  I might make it awkward," I blurted it out, finally removing it from my chest.

"Me too! I didn't want to ruin the mood between us three but I'm glad someone has the same interest as me."

With funny coincidence, we bonded more and even planned to get Jeff into the community. He looks like a guy who binges horror with lights off so I hope my impressions are right. All I could recall of him from before was that he was a bubbly kid who has a lot of energy chasing us, though I couldn't distinguish him in the present. And I was more of looking forward to his reaction. Still, I swear I do not have a crush on him. Promise!

"What creepypasta did you read? Have you read all the popular ones?"

"No," I could see the dismay forming on her expression "I'm more on the side where people tell their experiences rather than fictional made characters."

"If you wanna go deeper in the community, I'd suggest you start. And they're more than just fictional characters, I hear rumors that they're not so much fictional."

I didn't want to spoil her fun. Sure I somewhat believe in what other people's post, but none has a sighting with a bleached, scarred, deadly-looking guy wielding a knife until I heard the news. The more glamorized a popular character is the higher the possibility some people may mimic them sadly. I was planning to read it anyway. This moment's fast push to stop lazing on it. I was lagging behind the terms the fans would use on the comment sections.

"What's your favorite?" I begin to scroll on my phone, passing by the names on the top most list, Jeff the Killer's summary being number one.

"Besides Jeff the Killer, Jane the Killer and Laughing Jack." I bookmarked the top 5 with her favorites on the lower rank. "Don't be weirded out but I think some of them are really cute."

"Because of the art that's being made?" I snorted and gave her the same teasing look just recently. She bashfully looked away and twirled the strands of her short hair hanging at the front. "Let's see then." I searched for all the names I could recall, vocally judging her taste.

"Hey!" Brix giggled and scooted closer to the phone screen. It was all fun and games until I searched the one thing that turned the pits of my stomach in.

I let out a breathed sigh. "What's wrong? Is he that scary?" She slightly bent towards to check.

In front of me was the familiar looking demon elf but with a more piercing glare and ghastly appearance with dark ooze coming out of his eyes. Maybe it was just the art, but he looked more terrifying and evil in most pictures. I wouldn't be able to determine if it weren't for his signature look.

"Who is he?" His name was already plastered below the drawing, but I wasn't curious about that.

"Well," she sat up straight "I can't really explain it fully but I just know his story is just tragic just like some of them. There other versions to their stories but it's still dark." It was like her voice was slowly being drowned by the rustling of the trees and I just stared at the picture piercing through me.

My heart started beating fast and  I grew uncomfortable. The life that seems so peaceful outside of my house was just gone in the blink of an eye as the truth was on the palm of my hands all along. This is the worst vacation I ever had.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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