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 After school Billie rode her bike home as fast as her legs would allow her. After putting her bike in her back yard, she went inside through the back door.

"Nora?" The medium called out, pulling her backpack off herself. She grabbed a box, wrapped perfectly in blue and white paper.

Today was Nora's 'birthday' well would have been if she was still alive, but none the less Billie bought her girlfriend a gift. That she-hoped-the ghost would love.

"Oh Billie, my flower, you are home!" The tall girl wrapped her arms securely around the latter's waist. "I've missed you terribly." Billie reciprocated the quickly before pulling away. "What is the matter, love?" Nora watched as the girl held something behind her back.

"Nothing," The medium smiled mischievously. "I have something for you.. For your birthday."

"My birthd- Oh, don't be silly. I haven't celebrated my birth in ages. I don't plan on st-" Billie pressed her lips quickly to her own, cutting her off.

"Happy Birthday, princess." Billie handed Nora the seamless packaged gift.

"You shouldn't have.." The medium shrugged and pointed to the box.

"Open it." And with that the ghost torn the perfect wrapping and opened the box. Inside a necklace laid in a  black velvet casing. The chain painted in gold and the pendent of a small crown, along with a diamond in the middle. "Because you're royalty to me." Billie uttered quietly, breaking Nora's gaze from the necklace and to her girlfriend. Tears fell from the ghost's ocean blue eyes as she spoke:

"No-No one has ever been so kind," Nora wiped away the tears with her free hand. "No one has cared for me like you do, Billie, how is that? In only a matter of a few months you have taken my cold, dead heart and have made it new again?" Nora paused. "I feel it beating again.. It beats for you, my flower, only you."

Four Pink Walls {COMPLETED}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin