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"Now," He stepped closer to the teen. "why would I wanna do that?" Billie quickly shut her eyes, and walked backwards till she felt a wall behind her.

"GO AWAY!" She screamed confidently. Her heart hammered in her chest, as her eyes hesitantly began to open, but to her relief the boy was long gone and in his place was Nora.

"NORA!" Billie quickly wrapped her arms around the taller teen, and cried into her shoulder, soaking through the ghost's shirt. "I-I thought he-he... Don't ever l-leave."

"I wouldn't even if I could, darling."  Nora replied, snaking her own arms protectively around the girl. "I love you, Billie." The crying girl glanced up from the ghost's shoulder, and looked into honest, crystal blue eyes.

"You do?"

"More than the stars love the night sky, my flower."

"I love you too," Billie pressed her lips firmly to the taller girl's own.  "princess."

Four Pink Walls {COMPLETED}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora