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"Do you actually believe her?" Tate quietly inquired from behind Nora as she made tea for her girlfriend who slept peacefully upstairs.

"What?" The blonde spat turning on her heel to look directly into the shaggy haired boy's eyes.

"You don't actually believe she'll stay, do you?"

"Go away Tate." She waved off the shorter boy, turning back to the task at hand.

"There is a simple fix for your girlfriend's problems." He walked around the counter to face the girl. "You know?" A sickly grin grew onto his features.

"You are disgusting!" Nora shook her head at the boy. Abruptly grabbing the tray full of cookies and two glasses of tea she made her way to the staircase. "I would never harm Billie. Absolutely not!"

"Alright!" Tate three his hands up in defeat. "Don't come crying to me when she's got all her bags packed and ready to leave."

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