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|Time skip//Billie is now 16|•

"You are growing old." Nora tucks a few long strands of blonde behind her girlfriend's right ear.

"What?" Billie laughed. "I'm only sixteen."

"But soon you'll be seventeen.. Eighteen and you'll move away from this horrid house- leaving me alone for the rest of eternity. " Tears forms in the ghost's light blue hues as she spoke.

"Oh, Nora.." The medium wipes away the strayed water and grasps the latter's hand in her own. "I'm not going to leave you, princess, I love you."

"Yo-You may not leave but eventually yo-u will grow much older th-an me," Nora hiccups. "And will fi-nd someone you can gracefully grow o-ld with. And I-I ca-can't–"

"Shhh.." Billie cut off the girl quickly before she could get too worked up. "I'm not going anywhere."

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