Chapter 5

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Ina P.O.V

"But..." He started to say something but I interrupted him.

"No more "but"s.I think I heard enough.Why didn't you told me about all of this? You friends never do stuff like that. Anyway I don't live in past....and apologize accepted.But when you want to do something please tell me first.I would be by your side no matter what.' I said very happy that I found him.

'OK,I promise.I missed you so much.But I still have something to tell you.Tomorrow I will go to Sweden.The reason why I stood here is for my part time job.' He said,I think he was waiting to see a sad face but I smiled instead.

'You know...I go to Sweden also.Tomorrow.' his face lit up

'Why are you going there?' He asked

'Well....I know this sounds insane but...I'm looking for a boy band' And here I told him the dream.... but he didn't laugh,didn't gestured anything.'Are you OK?You know that you can come with us,right?' I asked while laughing

'Yeah...I'm fine.I would be very happy if I come with you.At what hour are you leaving?Which cities are you going through?What is the name of that boy band?' he asked,very happy....but I have a strange feeling that he is hidding something from me 

'At 8 o'clock we leave.And we go to Malmö and we spend the night there, in Gothenborg also and last but not at least Stockholm and we are going to spend there how much we need to find that boy band,and their name is The Fooo and something or something like that' He froze when I said their name...very strange

'Alright then...see ya tomorrow.Bye.Bye Ina' he shouted

'Bye Omar' Julie shouted back.Now that Omar left I can talk to Julie.

'Soooo....what do you think about him?' I asked

'Well...he is a liar.A terrible liar.You gotta see what I've found while you two were talking' Julie said.I walked towards to her.I almost fell off the chair.Omar is one of the members...and he lied to me all the time.Nice.Very nice.He doesn't need to know that we both know about him.

'Let's eat and then go to bed...tomorrow is a big day' I said with a sad face

'Ina are you ok?' she asked

'Kinda...I'm tired,but I have an idea.Let's make him feel awful for what he did.' I said and I knew she get my she didn't ask questions.We finished our pizza and went to bed.

~Omar P.O.V.~

Wait...what did she said?The Fooo?Maybe she realised so far that I'm the one of the members.But I don't want her to know that I'm famous...I have my own reasons.I need to tell the boys.If they are looking for us maybe I can do something nice for a treasure hunt ya know?As soon as I left Ina's house I called Felix...but I knew that I was on speaker so...

'Hey boyssss' I said kinda excited

'Well hello to you Omar.You sound way to happy...what happened?' Felix said.Strange how he knows way too much.

'Well...I've just find my best friend Ina,you know,I told you about her...and here are the awesome news

'Let me guess.....she is your girlfriend now?' Oscar said while laughing

'NO....I know this sounds insane but she had a dream.About us even though she didn't listen to our songs.And now she and her best friends are looking for us.And.......I'm coming with them tomorrow to Sweden.But we are stopping in Malmö and have enough time in two days to prepare something nice?' I said....I hope that they would help me.

'Anything for you bro.How do they look like?' Felix asked.He is way to curious also.

'Just wait and see.Jocking.I will make pictures tomorrow and send it to you.' I said

'Ok Omar...we like the idea...I will ask Kat for help...I'm really looking forward to see them and do something nice' Felix said

'Ok talk tomorrow.Bye' I said

'Bye' they said

~Ina P.O.V~

I was there.In his warm arms.His beautiful eyes looking at me.Here is where I want to be.But unfortunately my alarm woke me up.I was lost in the real world.I looked around to see a sleeping Julie.I decided to make coffee for both and then I woke her up.

'Morning sleepy head.Today is a big day' I said as she got out of bed

'Yeah.I want to start the day with a shower...and after that I think we are ready to go' She went to the bathroom before I could say something.Then suddenly my phone rang.It was Omar

'Good morning' I said

'Good morning.I wanted to tell you that I'm coming know for the trip'

'Yeah sure.Come' I said as he hung up the phone.

'Julie....Omar is going to be here soon.Hurry up'

'Ok.I'll be done in a minute' She said.

She got out of the shower very fast.I was all dressed up and I only need to drink my coffee.Soon there was a knock on the door,of course it was Omar.

'Good morning again girls.How are ya?Here I bought some food for the trip.' he said

'You didn't have to buy them..' I said.Really now he shouldn't have bought I feel strange.

'Shhh.....we have to go right?I have to tell you something that I think is going to change your plans' he was in such a rush

'Go on.But fast' Julie said

'Ok so can we just go straight to Gothenborg because my mom is coming and yeah....I just want to say hi to her' 

'Well that's not a big deal.We can go straight to Gothenborg.But now let's go' I said and we left.Omar helped us with our luggage.We arrived in the parking lot and I told Omar to guess what car I have.

'Hmmm.....let's see......from how I know you so far....I think that red Mini Cooper is yours' he said laughing

'OMG you guessed it.High five.' Julie said.We put the luggage in the car and Omar was standing in the back of the car.

'Before we leave....can we make a selfie?' Omar suggested

'Yeah,why not?Hand it over.' Julie said.And she did a couple of pictures.We were all looking nice.

'Ready to go?' I said

'Yeah yeah yeah.Whoo hoo.' They both yelled.I started driving while Julie was putting some music.


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