Chapter 11

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~Julie P.O.V~

Since Omar pushed Ina in the pool I took my things and went to a hotel because I couldn't stay in that house anymore.On my way to a hotel I met Olly and he offered to take me to stay at his place.

It is such a sunny day.I decided to get down from the bed when I heard a knock at my door.I went to see who it was.

'Good morning sunshine.' said Olly with a happy face

'Seems like you started the day very well.What happened?'

'I just came from the hospital.I went to see Ina and I talked to the doctor.He said that she is going to have all of her memories back in a few days.' When I heard this I jumped into Olly's arms and hug him so tight

'OMG let's go to see her.Now' I said with excitement

'Wait,wait,wait...what about your coffee miss?' He said pointing to the kitchen

'Oh I almost forgot about it' I said laughing.After I ate breakfast I made a shower and left the house.When we were close to the hospital I saw something strange.A girl which was very similar to Ina

'Olly go closer there...I think I see Ina'

'That's can't be he....Wait what?Julie you are right.Why is she going in that car?'

'I don't know...let's go and find ou...oh gosh is that Omar?' I asked very angry.I was about to go out of the car and punch him right in the face, but when I was about to do that I felt a strong hand holding me back.When I turned to Olly, he kissed me without saying a word.After we got apart one from another that car was about to leave.

'What was that for?' I asked kinda nervous

'Omar was about to look at the car and I had to do something to...' I interrupted him

'It's ok.. let's go to the hospital to see what happened.' I said

When we arrived to the hospital we rushed into her room.She was gone.Omar did took her.I was so nervous I swear I could hurt someone.

~Ina P.O.V.~

'Where are we going?' I asked the boy.

'We are going house' he said.

I just nodded and get out of the hospital.We were heading to his car when I suddenly turned my head to the left and I saw two familiar faces.Omg Ina you can remember their names,I said to myself.She has been visiting me in the hospital for a while now....her name was that's not starts with Julie that's it.When I was about to shout her name the boy pushed me into his car. He went into the driver seat and he locked all the doors....I don't know why.Very strange and suspicious at the same time.

'What just happened....?' I asked trying to remember his name.

'We got to mom is cooking' he said....what a pathetic explanation.Then a light bulb appeared in my mind.....I remember something....I think I know his name....O....and something.Om....Omar. That must be it.I was lost in my thoughts until Omar brought me back to reality.

'We are here.Let's go' he said while dragging me out of the car.When I entered his house I realized that it was so familiar....I had a kind of deja vu moment.

'What is your mom going to cook?I'm starving' I asked

'Enchiladaaaas' he shouted.'Come on I think she finished'

When we entered the kitchen we found a note there.It was something written in another language that I did not understand and I asked Omar to translate it for me.

'She said that we have some enchiladas in the fridge and she is gone for the weekend' he said

'Oh that's nice.Thank you for this...I hate hospital food soo much' I said laughing

He put the food on the plates and we started to eat.Our meal was silent.Nobody said anything.Until one moment...

'I have a question that might sound weird considering the circumstances' he said

'Go ahead' I said as I looked into his eyes

'Do you know my name?And I'm asking this because you have some memory loss and I want to know if you remember' he said touching my hand

'Of course I know your's Omar right?Can you please tell me what happened?Why did I have this memory loss?' As I said his name his eyes started to become sparkly and his smile widened.

'Yeah that's my name.So you remembered.You know the girl that came to visit you every day?'

'Her name was Julie....right?' I said thinking about it

'Yeah.We were at one of my friends party and she thought that you wanted to flirt with her boyfriend(but you didn't)and...'

'Whoa whoa whoa stop right there.What do you mean her boyfriend?I have you as my boyfriend....why would I wish for Julie's boyfriend?I remember that only one of our group has a girlfriend.....what was his name again?'

'Oh you mean Felix.Yeah he has a girlfriend.But the guy with fluffy hair....his name is Oscar,and he is Julie's  boyfriend...let's continue.So you two went to a more quiet place to talk and you got in a fight and she pushed you into the pool and you hit your head.She came to visit you just because she was feeling guilty' I remained silent after he said that.

I was just thinking and thinking.....I must gain somehow my memories back because I'm not sure if this is the right point of view of the story.I can't stop thinking about this.I yawned and Omar took me to his room where he had a bed and a couch.He obviously took the couch and I had the bed fro myself.All night I have been thinking about this...trying to remember something....Hmm Julie....I remember that we came here with my car....and we are best friends...yeah right.But why would she hurt me then?Felix was with Sandra and I don't remember Oscar being with someone....what was the other guy?Oscar??He had a that's it.I remember that my parents are in New York,I went to college and I met Julie.I remember the party but I don't remember what happened after.Maybe some sleep will help me remember things.I got driven of my thoughts and I fell asleep.


Sorry guys for not writing in so long but I promise I will make it up to now

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