Chapter 15 : What Have I Done

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" you're telling the wrong person aaron "she says sounding really angry." i'm starting to have second thoughts about this relationship whether Fake or not"
And she walks away.


"i can't believe he did that to him "i complain to Camille." He really impolite to jaden "

" he was just being Protective thats all "she says.

" no, he wasn't been Protective" i say. "he was being over Protective"

"it's a normal thing for a guy to Jealous " she says. I'm starting think she is taking his side."maybe he felt intimidated by jaden"

"why are you taking his side "i question.

" i not taking his side " she yells. " we both know your not angry because he was Protective or Jealous or impolite. Its because you are scared of scaring off jaden. "

" we both know you still have feelings for him, now you've found out he likes you " she continues." you want to be with him, but don't forget you're already with Aaron "

" but its a Fake " i yell. Oh my God, did i just just say that.

" what did you just say " she asks

" N-no-th-iinng "i stammer.

Aaron's POV

I feel really weak today but i manage get my self on road.

All the way, the only thing that i could think of is my last encounter with fiona.

" you're telling the wrong person aaron "she says sounding really angry." i'm starting to have second thoughts about this relationship whether Fake or not"
And she walks away.

I get to my uncles house really late since its a long drive from my house.

"So you're changed your mind " he questions.

" i only came here because i Feel unreasonably weak and i can't go to the hospital because i'm a freaking walking dead "i scoff.

"i know why you feel weak and i know the solution" he says "let's go hunting"

Not sure what he means but i follow him.


"So, since you're weak " he says."i'll get the prey and all you do is feed"

After that statement he disappears and appears with a girl with a bag over her face.

"feed "he says. Say what now?" drink, what ever you call it this Days "

After feeding, i take off the bag and see a really familiar face.

Oh No what have i done?

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