Grand Finale Chapter 20

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Hey guys sorry for the the late update.. My Wattpad has been acting crazy lately. Anyways i have a surprise for you.. Read on!


The day were the vampires defeat the hunters and no longer hide in the shadows, the day were we will roam freely, feed freely without fear will come.

My uncle's thought rings in my head.

News flash that day is today.

So far We've been able to convert 67 humans and recruit 26 vampires. We've raised ourself a small army to defeat the hunters.

I my uncle and our army are waiting for the hunters in the woods.

Everybody has settled in their positions waiting for the signal.

"where are they " i ask my uncle" We've been waiting for 55 minutes "

" patience son, patience "

After some time the So-called hunters appear.

The plan was to send one of us to negotiate with them, if they eagree no need for war, but if they don't, you know what's going to happened.

" Ian! " i call and he appears beside me." you know what to do".

He nods then zooms of to the hunters.

After some time he doesn't return, So we take as a war signal.

"On three we attack " i command." One, two, attack! "

Everybody zooms off , but my uncle holds me back.

" let the pawns go first " he says then i settle back in my position.


They just keep coming, i say in my head as i shoot the vampire behind me.

I roll back to a safe spot far away from the war front, to retreat.

" hey there "one of them say to me. Before i could do anything he had already started digging into my neck.

And honestly it stings, it stings bad.

" what have you done to me " i let out with my last breath then everything goes black.


When nobody was coming back i figured that there was something wrong. So i race to the war front to find everybody lieing lifeless both hunters and us.

I scout round the area to find atleast one of us but instead i run into her..

"fiona " i call but she doesn't answer." please Fiona wake up please! ".

As i called her name i could Feel tears roll down my chick.

Please Fiona, don't leave me, please wake up.

The more i tried to wake her up the more i tears came rolling.

" Fiona, I love you "i say sobing." don't go ".

" So boys cry too " someone whispers.

" you are alive " i say pressing by lips on her forehead." you're alive ".

" i thought i was dead " she says then my uncle appears in front of us." you? "

Fiona brings out her gun and shoots at him.

" no Fiona "i yell but i was too late, he had already started burning. I run to were his was to hold him but before I could he was already gone." why did you do that "

" you'll thank me later " she says dropping her weapons.

" i'll thank you for Killing my uncle " i oppose." sounds reasonable"

"i just saved your sorry ass "she yells." i should have let you die like the other people he had used then killed, huh? "

" what do you mean " i ask really confused.

" anybody your uncle uses, he kills them when he has no use for them again " she replies.

" no, no "i say emotionless.

" don't worry, i'll always be here for you no matter what " she says hugging me really tight. " our Love is to eternity"


Read the epilouge, okay?

Abstract[Unedited] Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz