Chapter 19: Throwback Part 2

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After remembering all this i start laughing, then i pick up my purse and start sprinting to aaron's house.

Just as i exit the café, i sense someone following me, but i'm too busy laughing and running.

I get to a piont that's a little bit far from the café, then i realize that i'm lost. I turn back to see Jaden running after me.

"fiona! "he calls, waving to get my attention." wait up"

"what is it "i say to the green eyed boy.

" you didn't answer my question " he says running his hand through his hair.


" you ran all the way here to ask me that question "i yell then start to walk away from him.

" what does it look Like " he answers trying to catch up with me." i just wanted to know if... Ć

"relationship problems " an echoing male voice says, And i start to feel something that's similiar to fear." see that's just one thing with relationships, So much problems ".

" Jaden? "i whisper and to look at him, but to my greatest surprise he disappeared. Wow, i never knew he was a magician.

" what is it sweetie " the male voice says in a mocking tone, as i hear the sound of laughter everywhere ." seems like your Boyfriend isn't the type in the shiny armor guy, huh ? "





Today is not just my day.

" it Would have been nice if you came inside, cupcake " another voice says." don't want to stay under the rain! "

I'm So shaking with fear. Before I could think of run away, i was surrounded by 5 guys.

" today, you are lunch " one of them says.

" No she's not "a voice says from behind. A familiar voice. Aaron's voice.

Lemme just skip to the interesting part.

" h-h-aa-e " i say really nervous, Like 1 hour ago i was sprinting to aaron's house and now here he is infront of me.

" i'm sorry for everything " he says sincerely, then puts one of his knees on the ground and says" will you forgive me "

I already have sweetie.

I'm So nervous that i only reply with a curt nod.

" one thing " he says, then he pulls me by my waist and then kisses me. I don't know how long it latest but it felt Like magic. Everything paused at that Moment.

Then i finally realized Aaron Bert, you are the one for me, my true Love.

As he pulls away, i quickly but gentily pick up from were he stopped.

I Like it was just us in the world no peace no war, no problems and no solutions.

"can you believe that we are out here under the rain making out " i finally say.

" it's us, right? " he says" world's craziest couple "

I can't help but laugh. Indeed we are the world's craziest couple.

Back to reality people!

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