Introducing Raiden (also, Hugs from Erron Black)

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ToreeTuiolemotu538 - Erron-san.....could I hug you? 0////0

Erron: Uh.... Sure, I guess...

Toree: YAAAYYY! *hugs*

Erron: *hesitates, then hugs back*

Me: *skips in* Hey, guys! Guess what?

Everyone: What?

Me: Raiden's here!

Raiden: *teleports in* Hello, everyone.

Everyone: *various greeting phrases*

Me: Raiden, you actually have a question. More like a statement, really, but anyways...

Raiden: ...Oh?

nightgirl-873: Hi Raiden! U prbably dont like me but i like u

Raiden: Hello, nightgirl. Of course I like you. I like all people of EarthRealm.

Me: Erron, Toree, you can probably stop hugging now.

Erron: It was nice meeting you, Toree.

Toree: Thanks for the hug, Erron-san! *leaves*

Sans: Hey, Raiden?

Raiden: Yes, Sans?

Sans: The way you teleported in was pretty cool.

Raiden: Thank you, I suppose...

Sans: No problem!

Ask or Dare: Mortal Kombat (featuring Sans from Undertale)Where stories live. Discover now