How To End An Argument

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"A fair warning..." I bite my lip trailing off.

He hesitantly nods for me to continue.

"My group is special. We are few who have can live peacefully with one another, and we are very, very protective of each other. I- you threaten them you threaten me." My eyes narrow. "We are united: a shapeshifter, a vampire," -the vampires wince- "a werewolf," - the 'wolves let out low growls- "a witch, a demon, and a fairy."

Flat hisses and full out growls. Then yelling.

The 'wolves yell: "A witch! Even worse litter mates then a shapeshifter! At least they can change!" All bark in agreement.

The vampires yell: "A demon! A fairy! They can both infuriate you in mere minutes!" All hiss in agreement.

Even my girls are yelling, which prompts everyone to make a game of yelling back and forth.

Maybe "game" is the wrong word; let's go with "match".

"Hey," I yell. "HEY!!" on one can hear me over the yelling match.

Another snap decision.

All supernaturals have sensitive ears, although werewolves, vampires, and shapeshifters can hear way more.

I shrink, and shrink and shrink and shrink and shrink until I am as big as my thumb nail. Then I whistle.

At this frequency, everyone grabs their ears, abounding their yells. I change faster than the noise ends. Speed of light vs. speed of sound, and all that.

"You're all going to need some time," I comment coolly.

They flinch at every syllable.

"Sorry," I quietly allow myself to say.

Many of both groups sit down.

I haven't actually heard that since I was eight and my great- uncle, Robert, who's only shift is a mosquito. It's was what he called a 'practical joke', when he used his "talent". The #1 memory of him was my relief when he left.

"Was that really necessary?"


"That hurt!"


"Quiet!!! All of you, quiet!!" Mark yells. Looking around, he says, "Back to business."

No one says anything, so I wave my hand behind me, and Dylan takes it. I look up at her. She can't read my mind, but she's good at my expressions.

"The 'wolves are waiting to attack, and the vampires are complicating to themselves about what to do. No sudden movement because their afraid of your shift." She chuckles. "They think it's your only shift, and are glad in wasn't big animal, or a fast one."

The amusement on her face softens my demeanor for a second. I look back at her with the same adoring look she gives me. Because I'm short- shorter than anyone in my group- I rise up on the balls on my feet and kiss her on her beautiful mouth.

Everyone's movements still.

"I- you said you weren't gay!" Brittany exclaims, causing me to pull away.

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