Still In New York

13 4 0

Not even two steps out the door, I get ambushed.


Just perfect.

I could say how interesting it was, but I'd be lying to myself: I was gag- knocked out.

The universe is throwing hard balls at me.

"Kayla... Kayla..." A mocking voice pokes my mind, making me aware.

My eyes snap open.

I try moving my whole body at the same time, fighting the binding restraints that hold me in the medium sized comfy wooden chair.

"Goddess!" I shout looking out the window. "I'm still in freaking New York!"

"Surprising first words for someone who's tied up..." A familiarly hated voice drawls.

I wave that off. "Yeah, well," I shrug, acting at ease.

I sigh. "So what do you want? No, no, let me guess! You want to meet the Shade? Or, even better! You want one of them don't you? Well which one? Maybe you want to meet the Kan Shifter-"

Someone slaps me, yelling, "Don't you mock him, you scum!!"

When I turn to the voice, I am surprised for the first time.

"Jammie? You married Hayden? You poor bastard," I say, shaking my head and feeling for him.

Jammie Santanio, my old childhood nemesis.

She continues as if I hadn't spoken.

"He's always been superior to you. The 'Kan Shifter's' a myth, get over it. You and your precious Shade are fakes. And if you think you can get out of here, you got another thing coming. You'd have to be the 'Kan Shifter' yourself-"

"Who says the KS isn't coming for me?" I ask in a reasoning voice. "I am her ... closest trustee."

"Not even your myth can break though-" Hayden stars, leaning back with a lit cigarette in his mouth. It was a crash outside that stopped his words, mouth open, cigarette falling.

Silence, consumed the room. Jammie, who sweating, whimpers, "Hayden, baby, you said there wasn't a real KS... you said so..."

The door creeps open...

The Shifter Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt