Chapter Four: Up close and personal in a public library

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Picture this: the second time Charles and Eric meet at the local library, in typical nerdy style Charles attempts to carry a humongous stack of books that Eric reckons must be equal to at least four times the skinny guy's body weight.

"Are you sure you don't want me to-"

"I'm fine," Charles breathes tightly and tries to stop his voice wavering, "I can manage a few books."

Staggering, he manages to make it about halfway to their table in the corner before his arms decide to go on strike.

Luckily, Eric is only two steps behind him, ready to jump in and stop the stack from tumbling to the floor, and Charles along with it.

There is a brief moment there when Charles could be fooled into thinking that Eric actually gave half a shit about him, with Eric's strong, steady arms wrapped around him and the feeling of his warm breath on the back of Charles' neck, but he knows better than to trust Eric.

Charles knows that guys like Eric are only capable of spreading heartache and destruction.


Picture this: when Eric leaves the library, he paces up and down in the alley next to it, lashing out and kicking over three innocent trash cans who just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

He stares down at the garbage flooding the ground and wonders where his sudden rush of nerves came from. Everyone knows that Eric doesn't care about anything, so why is he so anxious now?

Except Eric knows that he may be starting to care just a tiny bit about the little nerd who he'd held close to his chest just an hour ago, and he doesn't like that at all.

He refuses to admit it to himself, but perhaps he gets so unbelievably drunk that night because he's too afraid to face the truth.

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