We Almost Die Via Tree

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"You coming or not?" I no longer cared where I was going, I just wanted to go! When we got downstairs, Taylor went into a cabinet and started grabbing random food. Who could be hungry at this time? " Do you guys have a bag?" She asked, her face still in the cabinet. "Yeah. Be right back." I said and ran into my parents room, found a Walmart bag, and ran back to the kitchen, where Taylor had a handful of chips. She dumped them all into the bag, and we left the house. Oliver was sitting in the passenger seat of my dad's car. Anyone could've easily gotten into the car since the locks broke before I was born. That's how old the car was. It was nearly in pieces. Nobody ever stole the car because if they did they knew that they would have to deal with my dad. My dad wasn't a scary guy, he just had anger management issues. The wind almost knocked me off of my feet a couple of times. Taylor got in the drivers seat. I got in the back. Once I had buckled my seatbelt, Taylor started driving. "Okay, now explain." I said. Oliver did the talking since Taylor was driving. "Okay, so I'm pretty sure you know what gods and goddesses are." "Yeah," I said, "pretty sure they are not supposed to exist! Unless I missed something in school." "Well, they do!" He said, "Alive and thriving." Taylor made a hard left which threw us around like someone tossing salad. "Who is Kanara?" I asked. "She's the daughter of Scicro, the god of lightning, the sky, and the air." He said. I heard Taylor mumble," She's also a pain in the butt." Oliver chuckled. "What's wrong with her?" I asked. "Everything." He said then screamed, "Taylor turn!" Taylor tugged the steering wheel too hard and with a loud popping noise, it unattached from the rest of the car. "Oops!" "Take your foot off the pedal!" I yelled. "I did!" She answered. The car wasn't slowing down at all! If anything, it was going faster! "Tree!" Oliver pointed ahead. It was about 20 meters in front of us. Taylor unbuckled her seatbelt and jumped to the backseat. I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the way for Oliver to jump. He followed Taylor. I got one last glimpse of the tree which looked a lot bigger now up close. Then we hit it. Oliver accidentally hit his head on the door. I was thrown into the front seat. And I didn't see what happen to Taylor. "Ow." Oliver said. "Everyone alive?" Taylor asked from the backseat. "I think so." I mumbled. I climbed over to the door and pushed on the door, which was now jammed. Taylor tried one of the doors in the back, and had no luck. Oliver tried his door, with the same result as Taylor. I tried the driver seat of the car, and guess what! It was jammed. "Great! Now what?" Taylor said. "What's that sound?" Oliver asked. We got quiet and I heard a creaking sound. It was getting louder. "What is that?" Taylor whispered. Oliver suddenly started panicking. "Find a way out!" He yelled. "What is it?" I responded. "The tree!" "Wait!" Taylor blurted, "Find a way to open a window!" I didn't question her thinking even though I wanted to. I started pounding and kicking the side window.There was a glow from the backseat. I whipped my head around to see Oliver's fire trying to melt the glass. Taylor was doing the same thing as me since we couldn't just summon fire out of our hands. Unfortunately, melting glass took awhile. I couldn't see out the window due to it being shattered, but the creaking was killing my eardrums! "Can't you go faster?" I yelled at him. "I'm trying!" He muttered. He was concentrating on making the fire so I went back to kicking the windows. "Got it!" Oliver exclaimed, putting out his fire. His forehead was beaded with sweat, and he was breathing like he had just ran a marathon. "Great, now move!" Taylor shoved him it the way. As soon as Taylor got to the window, green mist shot from her hand, towards the tree. "What are you doing?" I finally asked. Oliver was on the opposite side of the car watching Taylor, still breathing hard. I was tired of not doing anything. I got an idea that I really wished I would've gotten earlier. "Taylor, you got something sharp?" She took her attention off of the tree for a spit-second, just to look at my like, 'No, why the heck are you asking?' I looked in the glove compartment for something with a sharp edge. I felt a tap on my shoulder. When I turned around, I saw Oliver holding a incredibly sharp butcher knife. He acted like it was a 50 cents piece of gum. I studied the knife. "Oops." Taylor said. The tree was as loud as a train passing by. I forgot about looking at the knife and smashed the sharp end at the window as the window shattered I jumped through and landed on the grass. I quickly got up and saw that the tree was bigger than most trees and it was fall fast. I grabbed the car door and pulled as hard as my arms would pull. I kept pulling until the tree was almost hitting the car, but the car wouldn't budge. I dove out the way before the tree hit hoping that it didn't crush them. I figured Taylor had jumped out the window on her side, but Oliver wouldn't have had enough time to crawl to the other side and climb out. When I got up I saw the tree smashed in the center of the car so that the vehicle was almost split in two. I ran to the other side of the car where Taylor was sitting in a pile of leaves. I realized that something was missing. "What happened to the wind?" I questioned. She looked as confused as I did. I remembered Oliver then ran to the car door to see Oliver struggling with something. "What are you doing?" I asked him."My leg's stuck!" He noted. "Give me your hand." He  gave me his hand and I tried pulling him out the car. Even though the wind had stopped, the rain hadn't. My hand slipped and I fell on my butt. Taylor, reached out her hand toward the grass, then shot her hand up and the grass grew until it met the height of her hand. She pointed her hand towards Oliver and it wrapped itself around his hand several times. Taylor swung her hand backwards as the grass copied her movements. Oliver was thrown into the air. "Ow." He groaned. Taylor flunked her hand toward the grass and the grass shrunk down to its normal size. "How did you do that?" She didn't answer, instead she stood up, reached through the window and pulled out the Walmart bag. I walked over to the other side of the car and picked up Oliver's knife. I could see a slight red stain on it. I didn't want to know if that was from a person or something else. I hoped that it wasn't a person. I walked back to Oliver, who was now scolding Taylor for eating at a time like this. "I believe this belongs to you." I held out the knife to Oliver. He took it without saying a word. "Looks like we're walking now." Taylor sighed. Oliver slapped the flat part of the butcher knife on his wrist and it turned into the black chain that was on his wrist when I had met him. "Woah." I faltered. "Let's go." He said, and started walking.

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