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We walked until we were in a room that was large in size. It had gold-ish brown wood floor, with training dummies lined up on the left wall and weapons hung on another wall. If monsters were real, then why haven't I ever seen one? I was still tired, since I didn't get any sleep. I must have had a weird look on my face because Taylor said,"Are you alright?" "Yeah." I lied. I felt as good as a fish caught in a fishing net. I decided to try to talk to Taylor to get my mind off of things. "So why do you guys practice so late?" "Well," she said, "We practice in the mornings and in the evenings. I looked around the place. It was amazing! "Nicole?" "Nicole!" Taylor waved to get my attention. "Sorry what?" "Ugh!" Taylor groaned, can't kids pay attention?" "Hey, your a kid too!" "No I'm not! I'm sixteen!" She argued. "Same thing!" I debated. "No, I'm older than you so shut up!" She ordered. Our voices had gotten louder as we spoke. People were looking at us from all over the room. I stomped Taylor's foot with my heel. "Ow!" She shouted.  Taylor lost it when I did that. She swung her hand to punch me. I closed my eyes and braced myself for a punch to the face, but it never came. I felt a tingling sensation in my hand. I heard a bunch of gasping and some murmuring. I opened my eyes to see Taylor's hand a few inches from my face with her fist clenched. Her hand was covered in a thick layer of ice, frozen in place. Taylor's face was filled with anger. "I-I'm sorry." I whispered. She flung her hand towards the floor so hard, the ice flew off and shattered everywhere. She twirled her fingers around as vines sprouted from the ground, braking the wood floor. It wrapped around my legs and Taylor pushed me backwards. I fell and tumbled across the room, landing on my stomach. A tall-ish girl with grey-ish blue eyes and curly black hair ran up to help me. She grabbed my hands and helped me up, even though my legs were still tied. Oliver started scolding Taylor for pushing me. "Are you okay?" She asked concerned. I nodded as Oliver made Taylor unwrap me. The girl walked me over to a group of kids who all had white bracelets with purple beads. The girl turned to me and said, "My name is Winnie, what's yours." "Nicole." "Nice to meet you, Nicole." She shook my hand. "Alright, line up!" A girl said as she burst through the door. She had short ebony hair tinted orange at the ends her eyes were grey with orange flecks popping up in random places then vanishing. She wore a tight blue shirt, black skinny jeans, and laced black shoes. On her arm was a light blue bracelet with dark grey beads.

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