Thou Shall Hurry Up or Get a Makeover

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There was a loud,"Dang it!" Then three little kids (who I figure are probably my little siblings) came out of the wall. When I say that, I mean they made a door out of the wall, so that when they close it, it looks normal. The last one, closed it. "You missed her!" One of the boys said to the girl. He had brown, spiky hair. He was dressed in a short sleeved shirt and basketball shorts. "I get it, alright!" She said back. You know those Disney princesses? She was the exact opposite of that. She was obviously not into girly stuff. She had a orange bandana around her head and blue highlights in her hair. Her eyelashes were thick (without mascara) and her mouth was in a frown (since she "missed" me). I am super happy that she missed. She basically attempted to kill me. Yep, best sister in the world. She made direct eye contact with me unlike her other brother standing on the opposite side of her. He spoke quietly to the girl,"You didn't shoot at the right angle like I told you." She slapped his arm. "Ow!" He said. He looked familiar. Then it hit me! He was the kid that had shot the bow, the little one who I had thought shouldn't have had been shooting a bow in the first place. Apparently, he had a part in trying to kill me with an icicle too. "Wow guys," Winnie said,"that's all that you kids could think of?" This family is messed up! Do they all want me to be a blonde-headed-shish-ka-bob? "Not a funny joke,Winnie!" I mumbled loud enough for Winnie to hear. "Clean it up! You've got 2 minutes." She said. "And if we don't?" The little girl said. "Then I'll just tell Madeline that you three would like a makeover!" Winnie replied with a smirk. The kids got a look of panic across their faces, then started picking the confetti up off of the ground in a hurry. "Faster, now it's one minute." Winnie added and the kids went faster.

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