Real Madrid

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Ahan and Waleed reached Real Madrid academy at 3:00pm. They went straight to the coach Trent the trainer for Real Madrid. He gave Ahan a trial in skills, heading, shooting, crossing and goalkeeping, it was a very intense workout, but Ahan managed to do it through determination and strength. After the trial lesson finished Ahan went to the hotel and there he met the best defender in the Real Madrid academy: Jai Joshi and also the first Indian player to join Real Madrid then he met Alexey the manager, Alexey won the best manager award 14 times in a row and he also is the main joker in every party, he throws marshmallows everywhere and he hits everyone in the face accidentally. Ahan crashed in his hotel room quite early because of a rough and tiring day. Ahan didn't sleep right away because he had to send a letter to his family back at home.

He told them that he was fine and that he finished his training for the day and that he might play his first game in a week. He got all of the gear he needed.

After he finished writing his letter to his parents he went to bed because he had a tough day ahead of him.

-------------------------------------------------TIME SKIP ONE WEEK-----------------------------------------------------
Ahan woke up at 3 am because he was so excited for his first game he had a shower and went to see his friend Waleed. When he reached Waleed's room he saw him in a bad mood. Ahan asked Waleed what was wrong? Waleed said that your mom had a heart attack and was in critical condition she went to hospital and is in a coma. Ahan was really depressed, tears were dropping out of his eyes and slowly gliding down his cheek, he wiped the tears and walked outside and sighed in depression. He told the manager Alexey that he would need to come back home because his mom had a heart attack and that he would be missing the match. Ahan booked a flight to each home. He booked the flight at 10 am. He got all his things ready and ran to the taxi. He said good bye to all his friends and went to the airport.

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