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1. The name Noel actually belongs to my ex-best friend who was very close to me.

2. The character of Ellie was inspired by my cousin sister who is also my best friend.

3. The character of Teddy was inspired by an online friend whom I've never met. And we flirt a lot. He-he-he!

4. I've mistakenly used the 'fireflies in the meadow' scene (chapter 12) in a number of stories because it's the only romantic and enchanting moment I could come up with. Wouldn't you like to watch this scene though as a video clip? I know I would!

 Wouldn't you like to watch this scene though as a video clip? I know I would!

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5. Initially, I'd considered 'Halo' and 'Wings' as the title of the book but I changed my mind after discovering that there were already books with those titles.

I can't think of any more facts so I guess this is it. Thanks for being such amazing readers! Love you! And don't forget to check out other stories of mine!

Guys, if you have any questions regarding my stories or if you want to chat with me, or want to be notified about any news and updates or simply want to connect with me, please check out my book "The Bible Of a Gay Writer" where I'll be posting information about my stories' updates, any interesting news, rants, personal things, etc. Please, please do check it out. Thanks!

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