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I ran until my legs were burning and I could barely breathe. Finn and I were running away and we found shelter for the first night but they came after us. Finn and I started running, as fast as physically possible but they got Finn somehow when I lost him. I've been hiding, they're angry at me for multiple reasons and I know if they see me they'll stop at nothing to kill me.

I stop and took a breath at a log. I hear footsteps behind me and immediently turn and point my spear at whoever it is.
"Bellamy it's us!" A girl voice yelled and put her hands up. It was Monroe and Lacroix.
"Get back down" I whispered, out of breathe.
"You were followed?" Monroe asked.
"Is anybody else with you?" The Lacroix whispered. I shook my head.
"Do you think everyone else is dead?" Monroe asked.
"Monroe don't ask questions like that" I snapped at her. I didn't need even more chilling thoughts put in my head at the moment.
"Right...Sorry" She whispered. We all crept behind a big fallen tree.
"Have you seen Finn?" I asked.
"He's alive?" The boy asked. "Yeah we got separated and one of them followed. How did you guys get out?"
Monroe scanned my body. "We saw the Ark come down and we thought we'd come get help-" Voices were heard in the distance. But I couldn't make out what anybody was saying.
"Follow me. Stay quiet" I whispered and started moving towards the noise. We walked around a couple of trees before I saw a horse and a man on it. A grounder.

He wasn't very far away. His face looked too familiar. I examined his slim face, small nose and devilish voice..
It's River's father.
Thinking about her made my stomach knot itself.
The man who set me up to be tortured and killed by River herself. He was riding on a horse, pulling two boys behind him.
"I can't go anymore" A boy being pulled by Tristan whined. Finn was with him, being pulled also.
The boy fell down and Tristan groaned in annoyance.
"Get up!" His deep voice echoed. The boy didn't respond and Tristan got off his horse and pulled his sword out of his holder. He held the boys exhausted body up and slit his throat without warning, dropping his now lifeless body on the ground.
I shut my eyes for a brief second.
"That's one!" He yelled at Finn.
"I lost 300" He then got back on his horse and kept going. I decided to follow him. I have to get Finn back.

We kept running for almost what seemed like a mile.

"I know you're scared but we have to attack as a team. Now" I ran down the hill to where Finn was still being dragged.

"Hey!" I yelled and Tristan and Finn both turned around. I looked behind me hoping to find Monroe and Lacroix but there was nobody.
"Bellamy get out of here!" Finn said. Then the horse sprinted in my direction. I threw my spear at Tristan but missed. At times like these I wish I had taken River up on her offering to teach me to aim better when throwing spears. She was always really good at that..

I snapped out of my thoughts and he knocked me over so quick it stunned me. Before I could get off the ground he was above me.

"I know exactly who you are" He spat. Putting his knife to my throat.
"You're the one that turned my daughter into a traitor. You ruined her"

Thinking about River made me feel even weaker. The thought of not knowing where she is or not knowing if she's alive or not terrifies me.

"This is all your fault. All of this, if it weren't for you then River would've been with me, where she belongs. You corrupted her, made her believe she was in love" He scoffed at the word love.

"She is in love" I coughed. I swiftly rolled over and stood back up. "With me"

"She'll know what love is when I deliver your head to her on a silver platter!" He yelled and tried to stab me further but I twisted and got out of his grasp. He continually punched me, until I could barely see. Then I heard Monroe screaming, she finally decided to come.

Then I heard a gunshot.
Tristan fell to the ground with blood covering his face and head.

"Kane" Finn sighed in relief. I on the other hand held my breath. He was going to kill me for trying to kill Jaha.
"Everything's gonna be okay" Kane said. More people from the Ark kept piling on, helping us.
Then I saw Abby Griffin run through to Finn and I.
"Have you seen Clarke?"
Finn nodded. "Yeah we can take you to her"
I had no idea he knew where she was. I didn't even think she was alive. Only Abby and Kane followed us, everyone else went back. I'm not sure where they were going, maybe the place where the ark landed.

After an hour of walking through nothing but forest we reached another camp site. Where Finn thought Clarke would be. I saw a glimmer of hope. Then it all vanished once I saw everyone I knew laying on the dirt, either speared or stabbed. But they were all dead.

Panic washed through me.
I didn't think, the only thing going through my mind was that River could've been here when this happened.
The same thought has been running through my mind since I let her go.
What if she's dead.

No, no she can't be dead. She's a fighter, tougher than me. She wouldn't give up that easily. She's too strong for that.

"N-no, this was where she was supposed to be" Finn huffed. "Look around! See if you find her" I told everyone. While they were looking for Clarke, I looked for River. Hoping I wouldn't find her, because anybody here is dead. The whole time we were looking I held my breath. Thinking of her even being harmed in the slightest, terrified me to no end.

"I don't see her!" I yelled to Finn. I was talking about both Clarke and River. Although they only thought I was talking about Clarke. "Then she is somewhere else. Don't worry Abby, we'll find her" Finn reassured the worried mother. "Of course we will" She sighed.

"Let's go back to camp. I'm sure you guys would like to see your new home" Kane said. He looked back at me and anger flushed over him. "You're Bellamy Blake!" He yelled and grabbed my arms. "You tried to kill the chancellor. The second we get back to camp I'm putting you under arrest" He said and quickly tied my hands behind my back with ropes I didn't even think he had.

Because of You // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now