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four days.

I had been here for four days.

They refused to feed us, only the smallest amount of any type of bread to keep us going long enough for them to get what they wanted. A tiny cup of water everyday and that was it. I saw them take two people over the past four days. It was making me grow more and more anxious.

I can't take it anymore.

The same man walked in the room again. He was the one that kept taking people. Everyone tensed up when he came. Everybody became suddenly terrified, not knowing if they were next. It only scared me because I had no idea what would happen. I'm not sure if I want to know.
The man began walking around the room, nowhere near me though.

"Ash" I whispered. He slowly raised up from the sleeping position he was in and looked at me.

"I'm going to get us out of here" I said.

"I don't doubt that you could River. But what do you suppose we do when we get out?" He asked. "I don't even know where we are" He added.

"I'm going to find Bellamy when I get out" I said plainly. I knew it wasn't what Ash wanted to hear but it was the truth.

"Riv..." Ash's voice trailed off. "I didn't even think to tell you this.." He looked down at his leg.

"What" My anxiety level started rising.

"I didn't even want you to find out until later. When you were without him for a little while" He said slowly.

"Ash what the hell are you talking about"

"Bellamy is dead, Riv"

"N-no, he's not Ashton" I protested, my voice quivering.

"River...Before the blast went off, only seconds before. He was fighting with a grounder that had gotten to the drop ship quicker than the rest of us. It was him and me, we were both ahead of everyone. Bellamy ran out and attacked us, we he attacked the man I was with. I stepped back, I knew what he meant to you and I didn't want to do that to you. I let the two fight, Bellamy is a big boy, he could fight for himself. Bellamy was winning too, almost killed the other guy. I didn't care for him much. But then I heard a gun shot. It came from a girl much shorter than you, looked a little younger too. She obviously was a bad shot. She tried to shoot the earth born but instead she shot Bellamy. He felt to the ground, I ran to him but he wasn't breathing. He didn't have a pulse either"

Every single word that came out of his mouth felt like poison filling my lungs. It suddenly became really hard to breathe. My vision became blurry and I started having a panic attack.

"Y-you're l-lying" I whispered through my wheezing. I wasn't even crying, I wasn't feeling anything, I was numb, I was in denial.

"No" I whispered to myself. I slowly sank into a small ball in my cage.

"I'm so sorry Riv" Ash said. I couldn't come up with any words to say back to him. I couldn't even think straight. All I felt was pain.

I had completely forgotten about the man walking around the room. He came closer to me and when he was at my cell, he stopped in his tracks.

"And how are you today?" He asked in a mocking tone. Everything inside my body snapped and I stuck my arm out of the cage so fast it startled him. Before he could move I twisted his face so he was looking away from me and I stuck my hand in his mouth, without another glance I ripped his tongue from his mouth and grabbed his own arm and stuck his little taser stick in his rib cage. His body went limp and felt to the ground. I saw the key on his pant pocket and I quickly grabbed it and unlocked my cage. Nothing but a stone cold expression on my face, I unlocked Ash's cage.

"Get out" I croaked. I looked at the name on the cage and it read the words
Mount Weather.

"Let's go" I said, trying to calm myself down. I wasn't sure of how to do that. My whole body was numb and my head was pounding. Bellamy was all I could think about.

That curly hair, those brown eyes. The things I would never see again. I would never see him again.

"What about everyone else?" Ash asked.

"We don't have time, we have to come back for them" We both ran through the only door there was. Nobody else ever came down to this level.

I remember being told about mount weather.

"That way" Ash pointed and we ran to another door. He swung it open and there was a long long corridor. We shut the door behind us and started running.

"I don't know if I can keep going Ash. Why would I anyway?" I started slowing down and breathing heavier.

"What are you talking about" He asked.

"Forget it, keep going" I whispered. In my mind I still could not process what he had told me. I didn't want to process it.
Literally everything I just did was in pure anger.

"This is like a maze" Ash said turning another corner. We had gone almost five different ways since we entered the corridor.

We ran for almost an hour.

Finally the last cold dark hallway had a light at the end of it.

"I feel like this is a trap" I said. Ash gave me a puzzled look.

"This was almost too easy. We literally just ran out a door and boom, we're out. This can't be it. They know we left" I said.

"Honestly I would rather them find me" I said slowly, sinking back into the depression I had soon began going into. The running made me not think as much but now that we've stopped, all the thoughts came flooding back. I began sliding down the wall, sitting on the floor. I cradled my knees into my chest.

I looked at my bad arm and I realized it was bandaged up. The one that was burnt because of the fog.

I quickly stopped caring about my arm. All I could think about was Bellamy.

It hurt like hell. This is becoming unbearable.

"Get back up River, we have to keep going"

"I don't want too" I snapped, then laid my head into my knees.

"River I will carry you if I have too" He huffed. I didn't move a muscle.

I heard him sigh and then I felt his arms wrap around me. He wasn't trying to pick me up though, he was hugging me. I tried to smile, I wanted too. But I didn't, I couldn't.

"Come on" He whispered and he helped me up.

We continued walking down the tunnel and finally we felt fresh air. That was too easy.
We could go back and get everyone.

Then I noticed I was only looking straight ahead of me. Ahead of me were the mountains but below me was a giant waterfall. This must be the dam. There was no way we would survive this if we jumped.

"We have too" Ash yelled.

"We'll die" I yelled back. It was hard to hear over the roaring of the water.

"What have you got to lose?"

I thought about that and honestly that was a valid question. Ash grabbed my hand.

"We'll go together" He said.

We counted to three.

Then we jumped.

Because of You // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now