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When I regained consciousness I realized my hands and feet were tied up with rope. I was leaned against a tree in a new place and Anya, the devil herself was sitting in front of me staring.

"What do you want from me, Anya?" I snapped at her.

"I want you dead. You don't deserve to betray your clan, your family and get away with it. You've brainwashed Ashton but not me. You're pathetic" She spat.

"I'm pathetic because I love someone?" I sat straighter. "Someone that I would risk anything for, yeah even betraying my bastard father who never cared for me anyway. You act like I was the damn goddess of the camp and my life was amazing there. No! You were the goddess of the camp. You had everything"

"Of course I did, I'm their leader!"

"You were a pretty shitty leader too. I mean look at where your people ended up, in Mount Weather, left for dead!" I growled. Anya walked over to me and punched me in the jaw. I didn't flinch or look her in the eye.

"Don't you ever talk to me like that again. I gave you everything, you ungrateful bitch" She sat back down across from me and began ripping up the dirt. "I was in Mount Weather too, for your information. I escaped just like you did" She said.

"When did you escape? Because I didn't see you" I said through gritted teeth. Just looking at her made my blood boil.

"I left after two months of being there, I couldn't take it anymore"

"Two months? I was only in there for a couple days then I left" I said. Anya let out a laugh. "You weren't in there for a couple days, you were in there for two months just like me. You went into a coma though I guess because you wouldn't wake up. So they experimented on you until you decided to wake up. I saw them bring you back and forth from the 'torture' room. You were out like a light"

My mouth fell open. I could not of really been asleep that long. The masked person must of hit me really hard or maybe what he gassed me with made me sleep. It made me feel violated to think of them experimenting on me while I'm unconscious, it also infuriated me.

"You're so stupid. How did you not know? There are marks all over your body from where they poked and prodded you" She rolled her eyes. "It's not like I inspected my body much to find them" I huffed.

I stopped my thoughts and completely switched to a new subject.

"So it has been two months since the explosion?" I asked.

"Almost three, yeah. Your little boyfriend probably thinks your dead by now. He won't be wrong for very much longer before I kill you myself" She smirked.

"It doesn't matter anyway"

Anya walked over to me and yanked my hair up. Pulling me to my feet. "Let's go" She said and started dragging me to an unknown destination.

"Where the hell are we going Anya?"

"Your father would love to see you" She let out a laugh and tightened the rope. I groaned and looked at my arms. There were needle pokes and bruises and scars all over them. I don't know how I didn't notice. I guess I haven't been looking at my arms much. On the bright side, my arm that was burned by the fog had healed. They had to of given me something in Mount Weather to fix it.

Anya was focused directly ahead of her. I figured now was the opportunity to try to get out of the ropes. I slowly started weaving my hand and fingers in and out of the ropes, the way I had learned in training for situations like this. I then tried to yank my arm, quicker than Anya could react. When I did, not even a second later I felt something cold and metal on my forehead. Anya was looking back at me now, holding a gun to my head.

"Try something now. Trust me I am not afraid to shoot you"

"Where did you even get that?" I asked. "I took it from the Mount Weather guard" She turned back and continued walking. "If you even so much as move the wrong way, I will blow your head off" She said.

"I hate you" I said with an aggravated tone. "You couldn't possibly hate me any more than I hate you. Traitor" She made the ropes tighter, I didn't even think that was possibly. My hands were turning a grey-blue color from the circulation she was cutting off from how tight she had the ropes. I felt so utterly weak. If I did anything she would shoot me.

We walked for six miles, we had passed over multiple places I recongnized. Anya still hadn't grown the slightest bit tired. My father couldn't be much farther.

Finally after almost three hours of silence, Anya decided to terrorize me further.

"I wonder where your precious Bellamy is. It would be even better if I kill you in front of him" She rambled on with more ways of how she could kill me or deliver news to Bellamy of my death. Although she didn't know that Bellamy was no longer living anyway so I no longer had any type of weakness.

"What if I cut your lips off and send them to him as a little gift?" She laughed. "You know, I really wish you would shut the hell up" I stopped caring about her shooting me and I kicked the back of her leg as hard as I possibly could. She winced and fell forward, it surprised her. She let go of the rope for a split second and I sprinted the other direction. It all happened within a second.

I heard bullets fly past me. They echoed through the woods. Anya had never shot a gun before so I didn't count on her actually hitting me. I kept running until I couldn't see her behind me. I knew she wasn't far behind, she was fast.

I kept running, looking back.

Then I ran into something. I wasn't looking in front of me, I fell to the ground. I looked up at what I had ran into and it was a boy.

"Finn?" I asked surprised. He grabbed my arms and pulled my up fast. "River?" He smiled, pulling me towards the way I was running. "No time to explain, we have to go. Anya is chasing me, she's close and she has a gun" I gasped. "I have a gun too, come on" He said.

"Wait" I said, "Help me get these ropes off" Finn started trying to untie the ropes, although he wasn't successful. Anya especially made them so the only way they'd come off is if they were cut. "Nevermind that" I said. "Let's just keep going" We ran in the same direction.

"River!" I heard Anya yell, somewhere behind us. "She's close" I said panicky.

"It's alright, we're almost to the Ark. She can't hurt you there"

"The what?" I asked, not looking at him, only in front of us to focus on not falling and letting her gain on us. "I'll explain later"

We continued running until I heard another gun shot. We turned around and Anya was a few feet away with her gun pointed at me. Finn didn't hesitate, he lifted his gun and shot at her. She jerked backward and fell to ground. He grabbed my arm and we continued running to the 'Ark'.

"You just did that." I said to him still in surprise. "My patience has gotten extremely short lately"

We walked over a hill and when we got the top I saw what Finn had been talking about. The Ark was huge and only a few yards in front of me. This must be what they were in, when they were in space. It was kind of breath taking.

We finally slowed down and started walking to the gates. There are a lot more people now. I see them everywhere, walking, standing in front of the gate. Finn looked at me and his eyes widened.

"What the hell happened to you?" He said out of breath and motioned to my arms and face, the ropes still around my wrists, making my hands numb.

"It's a long story" Finn looked down.

"It's a good thing I found you. We have been looking all over the place for you" He let out a forced laugh.


Because of You // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now