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I felt groggy, probably the worst I've ever felt before. When I opened my eyes everything was very dark. Barely enough light to see anything. But what I could see were rows and rows of cages. In those cages were people, my people. As I looked around, every single person in these cages was an earth born.

The cage I was in was very cold and small. I was stuck in a crouch position and I barely had any clothes. The room was full of yelling and groaning and banging. Every single person in here was fighting to get out of there cages. I would be too if I wasn't in shock.

"What the hell is this!" I yelled and grabbed the steel bars on my cage door . I screamed and yelled and tried to find a way out. But there was no use.

"Don't even try Riv. It's not worth it, if you make too much noise you'll show them how strong you are and they'll take you first" A raspy but familiar voice in a cage next to me said. I looked over and I was met with the same pretty brown eyes I had known my whole life. Ash. My breath hitched in my throat.

"I was wondering when you would wake up" He said with a weak smile.
I remembered everything that happened the last time I saw him. I broke his heart and I feel terrible because of it. I had to make it right.
"Ash I'm so sorry, for everything" I said. At that moment I tried to forget everything that happened between us. Between everything that happened. Beneath all the bullshit, he was still my best friend. The one I had grown up with, who was always by my side. Now he is still by my side, locked in a cage...

"Look, considering the circumstances, I'm not sure if we are going to make it out alive but I want you to know that I've forgotten everything that happened. We just need to start over. Even if we only have a couple days to do it. I just can't have you hating me. I know I can't hate you, even if I tried"

"Ash I never hated you. Not even for a second. Now that I think about it, you were just trying to do what was best and protect me. It's okay" I said. He sighed in relief and smiled again. "Most of the time, not all" I added. Then I looked around the room again.

"Ash, how did you get here?" I asked, surprised. He leaned closer.

"I have no idea, all I remember is running to go fight the sky people and I saw a blast and the next thing I know, the person with a freakish mask grabbed me. After that I blacked out and woke up in here"

Now that I try to remember what happened before all this, I was running in the caves with Lincoln and Octavia. Then I heard the explosion, I stopped in my tracks and felt a pair of hands wrap around my mouth. They must have gassed me or something. The last thing I saw was a person in a mask unlike anything I had seen before.

"What do you mean they'll take me first?" I asked him.

"I don't know where we are but I do know they've been taking us left and right. Putting these needles into us and hanging us upside down. When they're done with that, we go into the next room. I don't know what happens in there but it doesn't sound good. I haven't seen anyone come out of there either"

"So they are going to kill us..." I whispered to myself.

Ash and I didn't say much after. I wasn't sure of what to say. I sat there in silence and uncomfortableness.

I wonder where Bellamy is right now. I hope he's alright, what if he's here too? What if they took him already? What if the explosion killed him and that was it.

He could be dead.

Thinking about that made me want to puke. He has to be okay, he promised me that he would come back to me. He would never break that promise. I know it..

Just thinking about something happening to him made my heart race. He is perfectly fine, he's a fighter.

I heard a loud boom throughout the room and everyone started yelling and banging again. I felt like a caged animal. A door creaked open and a man in a big white suit came in, a glass thing covering his face. I have never seen anything like that before. He had a long stick looking thing in his hand also. The smile he wore on his face looked nothing but sinister. I was about to bang and scream when I remembered what Malachi said.

"Hello, savages" He said. A woman he was near spit at him through her cage bars. He didn't even flinch, he just lifted his stick thing and poked her with it. I heard a loud zapping sound and the woman scream, then her body went limp.  I covered my mouth in surprise.

"Why are you doing this to us!" I screamed at the man. He didn't even acknowledge me. That pissed me off even more.

"Answer me!" I screamed even louder. The man looked at me this time and walked straight to my cage.

"We're waiting until you're useful" He smirked. "Then comes the fun"

"You sick bastard" I whispered. I had no idea what he was talking about but I didn't want him hurting me or anyone else in here.

Is this just a game?

Just sitting here was making me angrier and angrier by the second.

Because of You // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now