P.2 Chapter 1

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"Awake Ally Sane." My body shot right up and I took a deep breath of air. I immediately saw that I was surrounded by the clock figures.

I called on my element but nothing happened. Was that all a dream? I shook my head. No,it wasn't. My  dad got killed, by my ex-best friend.

One of the clock figures laughed breaking my thought. "Your powers are grounded here, Ally. Its amusing to see though that you have grown so fond of them in the short amount of time you had. However I suggest you use your word instead of violence. That one of the reason they call us Unwanted you know."

I snorted. Yeah well would I know! My dad was suppose to explain all this stuff to me. "Fine then who the hell are you? Where is Will ?and where is my dad body?" Another one of the cloak figured laugh, though I am thinking this one was younger.

"See, she is already getting the hang of it." That made the other clock figures laugh. Grr....if they don't tell me who the hell they are I will you my fist to get it out of them!

"To answer your question Ally. we are the Guardians. We watch over young Unwanteds and those who are special. That descriptions fit you Ally. We sense that you became an Air so we were on our way to introduce ourselves. However when we got there we saw that Lucian..I mean your father was dead .It seem though that you took care of the culprit?"

I laughed. "If you mean she got away then no." "Well then we will fix that. AS i was saying you wouldn't listen to us and we saw that you were angry so we just put you to sleep so you can rest. Using the elements does take up much strength."

Now that I thought about it I did fell well rested..maybe they were okay. "Your friend Will is in the next room and your fathers body is currently is our morgue."

 "Thank you." I got up to go to Will room but the Guardians were blocking my way. "Ally you have been brought here to train Ally. There is a war coming Ally and you are the key to stopping it." The voice was series and reminded me of the voice in the room of enlightment.  

But  Why me. Eveyroen says i am teh key,teh one they have been waiting for but i am jst a girl! I just went from Georgia to Kentucky's was the New Girl now I am this Unwanted. How the hell was I to stop a war!

"Im sorry, I just have to much on my plate right now." I walked out of the room  nto wanted to hear there replie but bumped into someone. "I think you hsoudl go back in there and hear what they have to say Ally." As I looked up my heart skipped a beat. "Dad?" 

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