All For You

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Imagine your OTP painting a room. After they're done, they lie down exhausted on the floor and still have paint stains all over them.

They sprawled flat on their backs, side by side, on the only visible patch of carpet in the centre of the room. Old sheets adorned the perimeter, slightly bunched with dollops of paint slowly drying in the light of the setting sun. The fresh white walls gleamed, reflecting the sky outside as it settled into a bright shade of orange after the third consecutive day of the New Orleans heatwave. Neither of the pair spoke a word as they looked up at their day's work with an air of satisfaction. Their clothes crusted with dried paint, dots set in their hair and on their skin, with playful streaks adorning any part of the body the other could hastily reach for throughout the day.

"You're beautiful," she said, rolling onto her side and wiping the thin layer of sweat off his forehead with her fingertips.

He remained on his back, hands crossed and resting on his stomach while she moved closer and folded herself around the side of his frame. She draped one arm across his middle and propped herself up on her other elbow to grin down at him.

"Thank you for helping me with everything," she said softly.

"You know it's never a problem Jessie," he replied.

"I feel like it's all finally coming together."

"It's a beautiful house. And I'd do it all for you, anything."

She remained on her side and lowered her face to rest against his. They pecked at each other's skin and enjoyed the contact for a while, until Jessica stood and stretched out her aching limbs. It had been a long summer of decorating and assembling and now their project was almost complete.

Danny lay at her feet and marvelled at the woman standing over him. Her honey blonde hair was tousled and skimmed her shoulders perfectly, her skin shone without a brush of makeup and the back of her t-shirt had risen up to the waistband of her black leggings, revealing her lover's Dulux handprint pressed into her behind. His heart burned for her and his chest swelled with the knowledge that he could finally call her his.

"I mean it Jess," he said, piercing his thoughtful silence.

"Mean what?" she had crouched back to the floor and had begun to empty the leftover paint from the trays into the pot.

"I'd do it all for you."

She looked up into his face, full of sincerity and doting, as she beamed and flushed at his statement, emitting love from every pore. Jessica sprung and positioned her body directly on top of his, trying to press them together as closely as possible. She entwined their legs and cupped his face, kissing him deeply. Their chests surged together as he wrapped his arms around her back, clutching her tightly, breathing her in.

"You're everything I need."

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