Helplessness Blues

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Imagine your OTP just talking to each other about what happened today.


"Hey, it's me."

"Hey sweetheart, how are you?"

Danny lay back on his brown leather couch and rested the book he had been reading open on his chest. Upon hearing her voice, his face had split into the brightest beam of affection and tears had welled in his eyes, before he hastily blinked them away and immersed himself in their conversation.

"I'm good," Jessica replied, stifling a yawn. "Just tired."

"They been working you hard?" Danny asked, clearing his throat.

"Oh god yeah," she yawned again.

Danny laughed, "Just think, it's only day one."

"I know... I just don't have as much stamina as I used to. I'd forgotten how much it takes out of you."

Jessica covered her eyes with her palm and snickered knowingly.

"I know my love," Danny sympathised. "How long have you been home?"

"About an hour; took the boys out, had a shower. I'll make dinner soon."

"Well, make sure you have a big sleep tonight, it'll do you so much good," he instructed. "Did you sleep last night?"

"Not really, first day nerves. And I missed you."

Jessica lay back on the large king size bed. She looked across her bedroom to the dresser, which displayed a small, framed black and white photograph of her and Danny, one of the very few she had of them together. It was taken by his fourteen year old daughter, Stella, as she loaned Jessica's prized Lecia camera to capture their clinch. They sat, side by side, at the table with their inner arms delicately entwined, deep in discussion. Jessica smiled sadly as she regarded the state she so sorely longed for.

Danny had been in London for exactly three weeks and the separation was proving difficult for both of them. Though nothing too major, the time difference meant they had to plan their phone calls as not to disturb each other's working days. The fact that they were apart was difficult enough, the fact that their conversations were restricted to certain times of day or night was excruciating.

"I missed you too. But it was okay? You're happy with everything?" Danny pressed, sitting up and taking a sip of his whisky.

"Yeah, so far everything's great. Really talented cast, the director's a dream and it's the greatest American play."

"I'm so glad Jessie, you're going to be so brilliant."

"Let's hope so."

"It's a given babe."

"I just can't get over how drained I am," Jessica said, running her hands through the front of her knotting hair.

It was barely eight o'clock in the evening but she was already exhausted. Rehearsals had begun at ten o'clock that morning and concluded after a good six hours of solid work. Her fellow cast members were eager to grab a late lunch together afterwards, their first bonding session as a company, and Jessica had been more than happy to oblige. But the day had taken an unexpected toll on her and she could feel every minuscule drop of energy seep from her pores as she concentrated on the gentle tone of her lover's voice.

"Anyway, how was your day?" she asked, rolling onto her other side and feeling her heart warm at his concern for her.

"It was fine," Danny chuckled at her insistent segway. "The meetings went well, but I don't think I'm gonna go for that know, the movie."

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