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A few days had passed since the group had fought Dan Phantom and everything seemed to be going well for everyone. Well everyone except Robin, his ankle was still injured from the fight. Robin stood in the kitchen staring up at a high up cabinet. Determination covered his face. He began jumping on his good foot in an attempt to open the cabinet and retrieve a box of cereal. He growled in annoying as he continued to fail at the task. Soon Danny entered the room. His eyes fell on his jumping brother. He let out a little laugh. "What's so funny?" Robin asked as he turned around and gave him an annoyed glare. "You are, want some help there?" Danny said with another laugh. "No!" Robin said as he turned back around and continued to jump. Danny sighed. "You're never gonna be able to do anything unless you ask for help, you're hurt and you need to realize that." He said as he lightly pushed his brother aside and got the box out of the cabinet for him. He also retrieved a bowl, spoon, and the carton of milk and set them on the table for him. "There." Danny said as he finished. "Thanks." Robin said with a sigh as he sat down at the table. "No problem. Now if you need anything else don't hesitate to ask for help." Danny said as he began to walk away. "I will." Robin said as he poured the cereal and milk in the bowl and stirred it around with the spoon. Soon a week passed by and Robin's ankle was healed. "Ah finally!" Robin said as he walked around the tower without his crutches and wrapped up ankle. "You're feeling better I see." Danny said to him. "Yep! It's great being able to walk again without using stupid crutches." Robin said with a large smile covering his face. "Well have fun." Danny said as he began to walk away. Robin stopped him before he could leave. "Hey Danny, thanks for helping me out this past week even when I didn't want you to." He said. Danny smiled and let out a little laugh. "You're welcome, that's what brothers are for." Danny said as he continued to leave. Robin smiled as he watched his brother leave. Once he was out of his sight he continued his pleasant walk down the hall.

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