Double Trouble

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Requested by: Awesomephantom46

The titans were currently fighting Control Freak. He trying to steal a bunch of electronics. Control Freak managed to take out the rest of the titans leaving only Danny. "So I guess it's just the two of us then!" Danny said raising his fists. "No it's the three of us!" Control Freak laughed. Danny gave a confused look as Control Freak pulled out some sort of blaster and shot at him. Danny covered his face as the bright light from the blast covered over him. He let a yelp of surprise as he opened his eyes and saw a clone of him standing next to him. "Woah!" Both Dannys said and the same time. They glared at each other. "Stop that!" They both yelled. They soon began arguing with each other. Control Freak ran off laughing like an idiot. He blasted a few things with his weapon creating clones of them before completely leaving. Robin let out a frustrated groan as he looked at his brother and his clone. "We have to fix this." Robin said with a slight annoyance. "You're darn right we have to fix this!" Original Danny yelled. Clone Danny simple scoffed. Original Danny looked like he was about to strangle the clone. Robin stepped in between the two before any harm could be done. "We need to find Control Freak." Robin stated. "I got a lock on him." Cyborg said as he looked at the scanner on his arm. "Then let's get going!" Danny yelled. They soon found Control Freak. He had stolen a bunch of money and was now using his new weapon to make more of it. Danny grabbed his clone by the arm and dragged him in front of Control Freak. "Fix me now!" He yelled. "Why should I?" Control Freak asked with a smirk. "Cause if you don't you'll be in a world of pain." Cyborg said as he charged up his cannon. Behind him Raven covered her hands in dark energy and Beast Boy changed into a bear. Control Freak's smirk instantly fell off his face. He let out some angry growls as he flipped a switch on the blaster and shot Danny. The clone of Danny instantly disappeared. Danny let out a sigh of relief. "Finally! I thought I'd never get rid of him." He said happily. "Also change the money back." Robin said. "Fine." Control Freak said annoyed and he blasted the money. It instantly went back to its original amount. "Now we're taking you to jail." Robin said as he put handcuffs on Control Freak. They then handed him over to the police. "I'm glad we got rid of that clone. I can barely handle one of you let alone two." Robin said smirking at his brother. "Hey!" Danny yelled glaring at his brother. Robin laughed as they all headed back to the tower.

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