How You Ended Up Liking Them

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How You Ended Up Liking Them


Ever since the first day you decided to get a small house in the village of Phoenix Drop, you've seen Garroth around wondering around, in his guard uniform, but you've never seen him with his helmet off until he took it off to talk to someone in the streets.


You didn't exactly fall in love at first sight, you thought he was cute and nice then he started making his way into your heart. But instead of Laurence being an cute, he decides to tell you a lot of pickup lines, which you found very cheesy and annoying.


You got really annoyed with him not telling you his name, so you decided to ignore him for a bit. But he was showing up every so often, so you just faced the fact and let him annoy you. Soon enough, you had a soft spot for Aaron, blushing every time he would break a silence going on in between the both of you.


Levin was the one who got you to move to Phoenix Drop in the first place, he was in a trade stall at your old village when you were listing all the things you hated about that place, and then Levin suggested to move to Phoenix Drop, and he has helped you ever since.


You knew Malachi was once a ghost but you found that really interesting at first, but when Malachi told you (in person) the whole story, you knew he had a rough life. And you found that really cute, and wanted to help him out with getting things off his chest.


Queen Mollie has not been too smart for the entire week, first off I flunked my science test and my English teacher is now out to get me.. Help.

+ Mollie

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