The Meeting

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"How much longer?", I ask, probably only about five minutes out of the driveway. 

"Ten minutes-ish. Hey ya know I don't know much about these people. Can you tell me about them?", my mom asks.

"Well um. Hannah's my favorite. She's hilarious, and she does this thing on her channel, called My Drunk Kitchen. Basically, she cooks drunk...don't worry, she doesn't use sharp stuff, though.", I say, trying to avoid the gay subject. There's nothing wrong with being gay and I hate that I have to leave that out because there's nothing to be ashamed of, but my mom would call this off right here and now if I told her Hannah was gay. She would never 'support the gay agenda' by going to a show like this. I don't know what her logic is, don't ask. 

"Oh, and then there's Mamrie and Grace. Hannah and Mamrie have the same last name, but don't be fooled, they aren't related. In fact I kind of ship the-", I say, accidentally mentioning the ship.

"You...what?", she replies.

"I um. I ship them...", I say nervously.

"And that means?", she asks.

Phew. She doesn't know. "Oh it means that I really love their friendship. Get it? SHIP? FriendSHIP...yea they're totally friend goals.", I say, covering my mistake.

"Oh, okay. That's sweet.", she replies, completely free of suspicion, "We're here!", she adds.

I open the car door saying, "I love you mom!", and walk towards the ballroom nervously. Today is the day. The day for so many things. I'm meeting Hannah. I'm coming out. I can do this. I can do this right? Yea I can do this., I think to myself, trying desperately to build confidence. I walk up to the ballroom door, taking a moment to breathe and think, and finally swing it open, despite ever atom in my body telling me otherwise. I stop dead in my tracks, seeing Hannah setting up on stage. I hold back tears, trying desperately to be cool. 

"Um. Hey..", I say, my voice echoing throughout the room. 

"Hello!", Hannah says in her signature voice, laughing, "Man, I've been waiting all day to do that. Come on up.", she says, motioning for me to come up on stage. I walk towards her slowly, and climb the steps onto the stage. 

"I'm sorry this might seem weird but um. Can I..Can I hug you?", I ask, my voice cracking and my eyes watering.

"Yea, yea or course!", she says opening her arms and hugging me. Tears roll down my cheeks, and onto her shoulder, and I quickly pull away.

"I um.. I'm sorry..I just..I", I say, unable to get the words out.

"No no it's fine. What's up?"

"I just..You've gotten me through a lot. Coming to terms with my sexuality, breakups, even deaths in the family...and now.. you're getting me through this. I-just. Thank you.", I wipe tears from my cheeks. 

"Hey hey", she replies, hugging me, "you're the brave one. I'd never be able to do this at your age. I'm really glad I could help, though."

"Come on. Come meet Grace and Mamrie.", she says, patting my back.

"Wait-", I respond, "Do I look like a cried?"

"Eh, a little. But that's good. Then I can brag about how good I am.", she says laughing, and guiding me backstage. 

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