The Show

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"Oh hi! Are you THE girl??", Mamrie asks, smiling.

"Yea, I am", I say, laughing,"My name's Ainsley, if you were wondering."

"OOH Pretty name.", Grace shrieks.

                                                                            1  hour, 15 minutes later 

"Okay, so one more time. We call you up, you do your thing, everything's good!", Hannah says, hopefully.

"I hope it goes that smoothly...", I say, frowning.

"Hey. It's gonna be okay.", she replies, putting her hand on my shoulder.

I smile and nod, trying to force myself into confidence. 

"Show time in 5...4...", a stage crew worker says.

"Okay, we have to go, go find your mom and we'll call you up!", Hannah says.

I nod, walking in the opposite direction, and Hannah gives me two thumbs up before heading onto the stage. I walk down to find my mom on her phone, as always. 

"Hey, honey! How'd it go?", she asks

"It went great.", I say with a shaky voice, terrified of what's to come. 

I hear a voice, and look up to see Hannah on stage, "So, if you follow any of our twitters, you guys know that we held a contest in which we would choose someone to call on stage. We got TONS of submissions, and all of them were great, but one stood out. Ainsley, come on up!", she exclaims. 

My heart pounds as I walk towards her. I walk up the stairs and onto the stage, and grab the microphone from Hannah's hand shakily. 

"Um..hi. There's um..there's a reason I'm up here. Not just because I love Hannah and Mamrie and Grace, but because um. I um..", I say, choking up. Hannah puts her hand on my back and smiles reassuringly. I look at my mom in the crowd who seems to be extremely worried of what's to come. "Because I, I'm, I'm- I'm gay.", I finally release the words from my mouth, along with all of the emotions that came with keeping this for so long. Tears rush down my cheeks, a symbol of the freedom I finally feel. I raise my head, and see my mom rushing out of the room. "Mom? Mom!", I scream, dropping the microphone and running after her. "MOM!", I scream as I run towards her. The cold air blows against my wet cheeks, sending chills down my spine. 

"No. Get away from me. I will not have a daughter - just. No.", she yells. I turn around, and see Hannah standing outside the door, her eyes watering. 

"Mom, I'm still me. I'm still the same Ainsley you love..", I whimper. 

"No! The Ainsley I love? She doesn't exist anymore. You should be ashamed of yourself. God would not want me to keep such a worthless child. I don't know who you are. Goodbye."

"M-mom? MOM! MOM NO PLEASE! PLEASE!", I scream, falling to the ground. Hannah wraps her arms around me, hugging me tight. My mom opens the car door, slamming it behind her. Letting go, Hannah runs towards the car. "What the hell do you think you're doing!? You do not abandon her!! You do not get to do that!!", she screams, chasing after my mom as she pulls out of the parking lot.

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