Part 2: As If

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A/N: Just wanted to let you guys know that Tony was a little rough and tough. Some of the things he says aren't always politically correct or even respectful, but he isn't abusive in anyway. But he does love Kierra. In his own unique way.


Where the fuck is her clothes? She expects me to be happy when I see her parading her ass all over the place? Has she lost it?

"Are you crazy," I ask, stepping in her face. But of course, she don't move away from me like no scared little puppy. I gotta tiger for a girl.

"I didn't know you were coming home with company, Antonio! You didn't say Mike was coming too! You didn't let me know anything!" 

"Go put some fucking clothes on," I yell in her face, not hearing what she says and not wanting to. Who she think she is, huh? That body is for my eyes only.

"Fuck you," she growls, pushing past me and Michael to storm out of my office. Whatever.  Another pair of shoes, she'll love me tomorrow.

"Bye, Kierra," Michael calls over his shoulder as she walks out. She scoffs at him and slams my door shut.

Michael shoots me a smart-assy look.

"What the fuck you lookin' at, huh," I ask him, taking a seat at my desk. That girl in there.

"How can you put up with all that attitude, man? You're a better man than me," Michael sighs, sitting opposite of me. To tell you the truth, I don't even know, but Mike doesn't need to know that.

"She a good girl. She believe in me when I didn't. That's my kinda girl in there." Once I said all of that, Michael begins cracking up.

"Yeah, that's all fine and good, but damn, T. Just last week, y'all were arguing--"

"That's different. I asked her a simple question and she snapped. Must have been a female thing, I don't know." Speak of the devil, she walks back in still in her little outfit.

"You come to apologize," I ask, standing up and walking toward her. She folds her arms and pouts her lips. She so beautiful, man.

"Sleep in your office," she says, narrowing her eyes at me. Maybe I don't hear her correctly.


"Yeah, sleep right in here. By yourself." I cross my arms to match her stance and glance down at her. She only a couple inches shorter than me, but she has the fighting spirit of a giant.

"You giving me orders, girl," I ask. She rolls her eyes at me again, to which Michael says,

"You keeping rolling your eyes, they'll get stuck." Without any warning, Kierra undoes her shoe and throws it in Michael's direction. It misses him, but it does knock over my golden vase. Instinct takes over and I grab her by her arm roughly.

"You crazy or something, huh?! You think you can just come in here and start breaking my shit?!" My hand tightens around her arm as she struggles to pull away from me.

"Get off me, Tony," she whines, trying to shove me away, but she can't move me. Not when I'm like this. I begin to shake her a little.

"Who you think you are, huh? You know how hard I work for this shit?!" I'm seeing red right now.

"T," Michael starts, grabbing me away from Kierra. I look back at her and see her rubbing her arm. Then, with her big, brown, doe eyes, she looks at me. And my heart fucking breaks in two.


I warned Tony. Yes, Kierra may work his nerves and act up. But, he can keep his damn temper in check.

"Hey! I was kidding," He yells after her. He looks back up at me.

"Tony, I really need you to watch your temper.  What happened to those anger management classes you were taking?" Another thought pops into my head, causing my eyes to narrow at him.

"You didn't start using again, did you?" Tony takes his arm back and looks at me, crooked.

"Fuck no, man. I told you I was done with that." I give him a once over. While we were in college, Tony got mixed up into some crazy shit. One of them being cocaine. It was hell to try to help him through withdrawls and the low lows, but eventually he made it through. I made him promise if he got clean, then we could start a business together, but only if he was clean. I did not want a druggie in my business, doing underhanded things, just to get money to blow on drugs.

"Why would I fuck that up again, man? Much money we've got now, as if I'd fuck that up, man." Tony exits out the room to go to the mess with Kierra while I sit in the office, trying not to laugh at their never ending issues.


YAAAY!! I've finally updated! I know, it's been a while since I've gave y'all an update, but it's totally worth it. I love yall


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