Part 3: Go Fix It

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As if I had enough to stress over, My boss calls me to announce that I've got to work. See, I'm a waitress at Hooters and trust me, that in itsself has been hell. I've been branded as everything except a child of God. Just because my man is working and taking care of business doesn't mean I'm about to drop all my plans and live under his ass.

"Girl, I haven't liked Tony since he allowed you to give up Broadway," my best friend, Quetiana Rene Bell says through my car phone. She keeps me company during the long rides and the arguments with Tony. And with her living in Boyton, it's nice to go into her comforting arms... and big boobs. I roll my eyes and prepare for the lecture I always receive from her.

"You were up for a lead role in an awesome play. But the minute that asswipe said jump, you said 'how high?' and gave up your role. Who lets their girl give up her dream like that?" Yes, I did earn the part of Mimi for the musical Rent. I worked so hard for it and thankfully, I got it. Around the time of the final dress reversal, Tony called me. He said he would make enough money to support me and him and when the time was right, help me back on Broadway. Don't ask me why I dropped everything and moved to Miami. I did it and, though I love Tony and being here, I've secretly regretted my decision. But no need crying over the past now.

"I made that choice, Katie. And now I'm living with it. I've moved on from that and I'm happy where I'm at now."

"Yes, boo. Because Hooters is just sooo much better than a standing ovation, right?" I know she says it with love, but damn. Katie is brutal when she needs to be.

"Look, Kie. All I'm saying is this. Any man who makes a woman give up something she worked hard for, it's a problem for me. And with you being my best friend, it is pissing me all the way off." I smile at the love. She can be a bitch sometimes, but she's real and loyal. And that's all I can ask for.

"So girl, are you coming over later? I've got a bottle of tequila with our names on it."

"Hell yeah! I need three shots and some Selena to turn up with. I'll call you once I get off boo," I smile, turning into my job and ending the call with Katie.

As a Hooter's waitress, I get all kinds of crazy things said towards me. I've been called a slut, a whore, a skank. Any other derogatory word for a women who is simply wearing something that isn't ankle length, I've been called that. But, screw them. They are not the ones signing my check, however, I do have to work extra hard for their tips. People who say black people don't tip obviously have not been anywhere else. Bad tippers are notorious everywhere, especially when they have a beautiful, black waitress. I'm actually looking for a new job, I've even asked Tony to let me be his secretary, but he only laughed at the idea. 'How am I gonna get work done with you around,' he asked me as he stroked my cheek. Quickly, I shake off the sweet memory as the bruise of his hand on my arm comes into view in the mirror. I am so sick of Tony doing this to me. I'm always loving him and putting up with his shit, only for him to do me wrong. Not anymore. As soon as I leave from Katie's house, I am going to have a stern talk with him. Kierra Walker is nobody's fool.


"Mr. Lamar, great news. I managed to shave more off the budget. So instead of the original two hundred fifty seven grand, we can build your gym for one twenty five," I speak into my office phone while simultaneously sending a quick text to Tony,

'Be sure to scout the location for the Venetti deal.' I guess you can say we have a yin and yang type of work relationship. I do all the behind the scene parts, working prices, making deals, and other things that have to do with numbers. Tony's the networking octopus. His charisma and blunt personality have scored us more than enough happy costumers.

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