Part 6: My Katie Said Shoot

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Dedicated to the baddest female in all Boynton Beach, Florida xBuddhistx! I dedicate to this whole story to the flyest female straight outta Fort Myers. My Delicious Detroit Diva! I luh you girl.


Normal best friends wait until they know you're fully awake before they blow up your phone. Quetiana Rene Bell, on the other hand, couldn't give a damn if its twelve in the morning or twelve in the afternoon. She will call me and wake me up at anytime. Like right now at 10 a.m. Aaliyah gladly announces Katie's call with 'Rock The Boat.' Without opening my eyes, I somehow manage to answer the phone.

"Hello," I groan into the phone, wiping the remaining drool from my face.

"Girl, are you busy in two hours? Because for some reason you're on my heart and something is telling me we need to get our brunch on," she explains before I even get a chance to wake up good. Half asleep still, I chuckle.

"Where should I meet you at, boobs?"

"Our usual spot, of course." After saying our goodbyes, I set an alarm to sleep for an extra forty five minutes. Well into my slumber, I feel the end of the bed cave in  and someone press their lips to my cheek.

"Tony," I coo, opening my eyes only to be greeted by a pair of blue ones.

"Hi, Auntie Kierra," Paris greets, staring back at me. I shoot up in surprise and grab the sheets to cover my naked top half.

"Paris Katherine Michael Jackson, where did you run off to," Michael calls, coming into the room as well. Do I have a welcome mat in front of the bedroom or something? He glances at me and rolls his eyes.

"Honey, go downstairs and watch cartoons. Obviously, Kierra needs to make herself decent." Paris gives me a quick wave and happily skips out of the room. Once I'm positive she's out, I drop the sheet and strut right into the closet. Feeling Michael's gaze on my back, I call out,

"You keep staring, Imma have to charge you." I toss on an old crop top and emerge from the closet with folded arms.

"You know, you could actually try to be a lady," he says, rolling his eyes.

"I am lady, Mr. Jackson." 

I lay out my favorite white spaghetti strapped tube top. Memorizing dance moves back on Broadway actually kept my tummy in check for awhile. But once I gave it up, I did go pretty hard on the ice cream because I was so bummed about it. But now, I'm back to a nice tummy and I'm proud to show it off. Then I grab some jean shorts off a hanger and quickly head to the shower.

"You honestly think Tony is about to let you walk out wearing that," Michael questions, raising an amused eyebrow. What the hell does he mean 'let'? I may call Tony 'Daddy', but that does not make him my father.

"Fuck you mean let me? I'm grown as hell!" With that being said, I sashay my ass into the bathroom for a shower. I'm hoping Michael is gone before I get out because I'm not about to keep arguing with his ass. Why do I let him get under my skin? While scrubbing away the grime and dirt, I decide to start ignoring Michael's petty attacks. He's not worth the time or energy. After lotioning up my body and throwing on a pair of Steve Madden's Stecy Heels, I head out the door.

"Hey baby, where you going," Tony calls after me. Adjusting the black hat on my head, I reply,

"Brunch with Katie. I'll be back in like an hour, babe." Before I can even get a foot out the door, I'm wheeled around and Tony places the most delicious kiss on my lips.

"Hurry back," he winks, slapping my ass as I walk out the door. The beautiful sunshine instantly greets me as I walk towards the second love of my life; my navy blue drop top Chrysler 300. And yes, I bought it with my own money, not Tony's. I even named her Tanya.  Speaking of her, we happily cruise to meet Katie at Balans Restaurant. I spot Katie's hair before anything else. It's big and beautiful, kind of like she is. I walk up to the table and give her a quick hug.

"Hey boo. You look hot," she greets.

"And you don't look so bad yourself." And she doesn't. She has on a floral strapless dress that compliments her skin and white sunglasses that her hair forms around. We quickly order our Mango Spice cocktails and begin gossiping.

"Bitch," She draws out the word, which is my and Katie's gossip code, "What's this I'm hearing about some broad named Elvie coming for you?" I scoff and roll my eyes.

"She's just upset because Tony isn't thinking about her ass anymore."

"He got a taste of that mocha frappe and don't know how to act," We start cackling and hold our hands up to high five. Big mistake. Katie glances at my finger and notices my ring.

"What the hell is this," she asks, pointing to my ring. When I don't answer, her eyes widen.

"He proposed, didn't he?"
"Katie, before you--"
"Are you out your motherfucking mind," she whisper-yells, "Do you realize how many times this man has played you for a fool?"

"He's changing, Katie. He said--"

"He said what? He's gonna do right by you because you deserve it?" It's almost like she was there, but that doesn't excuse the fact that she is trying to check me.

"Kierra, mark my words. He's going to hurt you. He's playing you. I know men like Tony." I roll my eyes. Then like a fully loaded machine gun, the words shoot out,

"Just because your man cheated on you for two years doesn't mean they're all the same. If you'd stop picking ain't shit dudes, you'd be engaged and happy like I am." With that, I take a huge gulp out of my drink and exit the restaurant. You'd think I was headed straight home, but my tipsy ass starts to get hungry, so I decide to pull into Steak N' Shake. Who does Katie think she is? I think I'd know if I was getting played. Angrily, I munch on my fries while mumbling to myself,

"Gone tell me my man playing me. What does she know? Ima stop dealing with that heffa. Who needs friends like that? Not me. Not me at all."


Cracking open a Miller 64, I pop a squat across from Mike out on the patio while he shuffles the deck of cards. Paris is swimming in the shallow end of the pool.

"So what's up with you and Araya," I ask, taking a swig out of my drink. Michael rolls his eyes as he begins dealing the cards. I hope he's ready for the ass whooping he's about to get in Tonk.

"Bitch tripping," he mutters. I narrow my eyes at him.

"Watch your mouth," I threaten, nodding my head towards his daughter. Normally, it's the other way around. I'm the one who normally curses up a storm and Michael checks my ass. So whatever him and Araya are going through, must really be serious.

"Nah man, she started talking foolish last night, accusing me and all that. And you know I can't stand being accused. So I told her she wasn't my girl and she left." He throws down an Ace of spades, and I quickly pick it up, throwing down my set of aces.

"Now, why'd you do that? I know your hand is cramping from how much you had to use it last night," I chuckle, sipping my drink. He rolls his eyes and starts to say something, until we hear the front door open and close.

"Antonio," a sweet voice sung. Pussycat's back already? I tell Mike I'll be right back and then head into the living room. Oh My God. My little sister, Gina Montana, is sitting right on the couch next to my fiancé.

LOVELIES! OH MY GOSH! I MISSED YOU COMPLETELY! How have y'all been? What has been happening?! I'm sorry this update takes so long, but the juices aren't flowing like they usually are. I just feel like nobody is reading this one and you know I get my inspiration from you guys and if y'all don't like it, then what's the point? It's a bit slow, and I'll admit, I'm all over the place.
Gosh, that paragraph sounded so sad. But anyway,

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