Coming Soon

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I can't believe I will be turning 23 in a couple days. Tyler must be shocked that I'm growing so fast and being his younger  sister. Panic! At The Disco started playing that means anyone is calling me because I love there songs. Hey it's Evan why is he calling me?

" Hey?"

" Hi, (Y/N)! What is your plans for your birthday?" Evan asked.

" Nothing much. Why?"

" Um... No reason!" Evan quickly answered.

" Okay."

The call ended after that. Tyler was standing by my bedroom door frame just smiling but at the same time looking the saddest I have ever seen him. " What's wrong?" I ask.

" You are getting so big and so mature I can't handle it." Tyler was so calm. He turn around and started walking to his room. I got off my very fluffy and comfy bed and ran after him. He was right at his door by the time a grabbed his hand and hugged him.

" I'm that mature." I was trying to light up the mood.

" I know." He let go of me and went into his room.

( Delirious/ Jonathan pov) I know weird change.

(Y/N)'s birthday is coming up so soon! I need to pack bring everything I need to surprise her and see her for the very fist time!!!! Evan is going to be there too! Wait and the whole crew! I started to sing the clean up song to make me pack a lot faster then changed the music to Green Day. I started to jam and throw everything everywhere.

"Great." I mumbled. I threw everything I just packed on the floor, bed, and celling somehow. Thing the plane leaves in 2 hours, but everyone else left for there plane. I'll call Evan to see what time he is leaving. I dial his cell and hear the long rings that make me cringe.

" Hello...." Evan sounded very sleepy.

" Hey dude did you leave yet?" I was so pump up for some bizarre reason.

" Yeah I got a room and everything already and by the way we are sharing." Evan was just feeding me information I didn't care about. He was saying stuff about MiniLadd eating a dead fly for a dumb dare. I told Tyler about my little feelings for his little sis... why I'm thinking about this right now?!?! Their is no time for this so I replayed the clean up song while packing.  After the packing was finished I got into a taxi and got on my plane.

( Back to your pov)

( Dream)

I was running into nowhere. Blackness everywhere I turned. I kept hearing people whispering into my ears and me screaming but no noise coming out. Then I see Evan and Jonathan in two separate cages being to tall for them to fit in. They kept yelling something but the whispers keep overpowering them.

" Choose wisely..."  A voice said. I look around seeing if anyone was there but no one. I walk up to a table that popped out of no where. Nothing was on it. I turn back to the boys and repeating the words in my head. choose wisely. I don't understand what it means.

" I can't, I don't understand!" I was telling the truth and nothing but the truth. All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain on my side. I look down to see a dark substances flowing out of me. "Blood...." I whispered so quietly. Not knowing what to do I started thinking and think harder.

"(Y/N)!" It was Evan he got out of the cage and ran over by my body. He picked my up and started to cry. Soon after Jonathan started running over. " Don't die!" It was Evan talking again or yelling I couldn't tell. He kept holding my small hand. I could feel my life leaving as the blood keeps flowing out of my body.

" I can see the light coming closer." I was slowly closing and opening my (C/E) eye's. Then everything went black. I was woke up by Tyler crying and shaking me over and over.

" You were screaming bloody murdered." Tyler was pretty shaken up as me. I never really have bad dreams it made me feel sick when I ever had one.  That  night I spend the night in Tyler's room just in case a another nightmare came.

( Jonathan/ Delirious pov)

I just landed and off the horrible plane ride. It was a very long ride so it was a good thing Evan booked a room for us. I made it into the hotel room and jumped in a cozy white bed. When I woke up the next morning I could smell coffee and freshly made muffins.

" Morning Jonathan." Evan said.

" Morning...." I was very tired and not ready to start the day not yet.

" Today you and me are going shopping and buying (Y/N) the coolest and best birthday present ever. Plus I can't wait to meet her and see what she looks like!!!" Evan said cheerfully. That girl is something else she is a big geek(or nerd). She loves Marvel, P!ATD, music, anime and so much more. (Y/N) is so much like me. She is perfect for me, we are almost the same person. When we are at her party I have to tell her my feelings for her....

"Hello is anyone there?" Evan was waving his hand in front of my face and was laughing at my stupid face I held for a while. "Let's go!" Evan said while I was grabbing my hoodie and running out the door.

(Back to your pov)

It was the next morning also my birthday so Tyler got of bed and made some breakfast. He made waffle with whipped cream, sprinkles and syrup.

" Happy birthday sis!!!!" Tyler yelled excitedly.

 Sorry I haven't uploaded anything lately my birthday was last weekend so I was hanging out with family. Plus school has been giving me a lot of homework. BYE BYE!!!

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