S t a r c r o s s e d

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He was all I had

I was untouched, unloved,
Then he came along
He was controlling, protective,

He is all I have

I was normal
Till he came along
He taught me I was powerful, reckless,
And beautiful
He taught me how to fly
How to fight

He was slipping slowly away

Like an old curse, my grasp
Loosened on his heart
His heart no longer belonged to me
We were destined
But the gods will keep us apart,
Like an old curse

I had nothing left

The gods tore us apart
Like tearing paper
We grew to hate each other
Never to know we once loved


This poem was inspired by Josephine Angelini and her book Starcrossed, followed by two other books in her trilogy.  It's a wonderful love story! There will be a part two on the boy's p.o.v

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