As Fan-Fiction Tropes

978 37 13

INTP-Work in progress, for several years. (This is so accurate it's sad)

ESTP-Have sex then fall in love.

ISTP-One is a human, the other is a creature.

ENTP-Enemies begrudgingly fall in love.

INFP-Soulmate AU

ENFP-Anything omega-verse.

ESFP-Whump: hurt/comfort style.

ISFP-Tons of angst with a happy ending.

INTJ-Slow-burn historic romance.

ISTJ-Meet as little kids and grow up together.

ESTJ-Shameless porn without plot.

ENTJ-Every trigger warning.

ISFJ-Best friends who reconnect ten years later.

INFJ-Coffee shop AU

ESFJ-Single parents who meet at Parent-Teacher night.

ENFJ- Holiday fic with lots of fluff.

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