7th Grade Camp Journal Quotes

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INTP-"We got put on random tables so I was with all sorts of weird people I've never met before. "

ESTP-"Some kid I don't know just threw up."

ISTP-"Also, I stepped on dog shit."

ENTP-"Initiatives was okay but was run by this teacher I've never seen before who looks like a hipster."

INFP-"It looks like it's going to rain and it probably will because it always does on camp."

ENFP-"There's a game of the weird football men stuck on the poles – apparently it's actually called 'foosball' (I had to go and ask the teachers what that was called it was so embarrassing)."

ESFP-"Earlier today, we went on this beach walk, it was super cold and wet and we walked for like two hours or something."

ISFP-"One of the teachers is wearing a black and blue striped top like a #thedress wannabe."

INTJ-"The teachers told us we would leave at 8:45 sharp but we left at 9:10 so I guess that was a lie."

ISTJ-"People in my cabin stayed up all night talking and I just lay there with my eyes open eavesdropping on them."

ESTJ-"I'm seriously considering going vegetarian on next year's camp. The meat wasn't even nice so it's not like I would be missing out."

ENTJ-"Now people are singing 'Wheels on the bus.' They are not good singers."

ISFJ-"One of the teachers serving the food actually got my name right and I was like 'oh my god imma start worshipping you as a god now.'"

INFJ-"It is raining outside so hard we got to miss out on our last activities, although there was about twenty minutes of confusion about that where the teachers couldn't decide and agree on what the hell we were going to do."

ESFJ-"Now I'm in the rec. room and people are playing ping-pong. Unlike me, these people can actually hit the ball."

ENFJ- "The bus driver sprayed air freshener in the bus and he just looked like so disgusted."

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