Chapter 2: Roommates

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Castiel Molly were friends for as long as they could remember, they grew up together and went to all the same schools. Cas and his younger brother, Gabriel, grew up with just their dad after their mom went missing. That's when their dad went on a drunken rampage and lashed out on Cas. His dad promised it wouldn't happen again, but it did. When Cas told his father that he was gay.

Molly was a sweetheart who was always there when someone needed her. She was like a sister to Cas and Gabe. So going to college was hard for her and Cas. Molly didn't have the best backstory, she had a lot of trouble in her past. Cas helped her forget all of that by becoming her best friend. Her brother.

Cas and Molly has left for college around the same time as Dean and Claire, so they arrived at the same time. Cas and Molly were in an old mustang that they tried to fix up. They parked the car next to Dean's impala, grabbed their bags and went inside. There was a huge piece of paper with dorms that were open. Cas and Molly looked for ones that were for two. The closest they got was two rooms next to each other.

"What the hell? Winchesters? Who picks a room next to their sister instead of with?!?" Cas said confused.

Molly pointed at the top of the paper,"No opposite sex roommates, they had to." she stated.

A voice erupted from a group of students and a young man stepped up on a table.
"Alright, listen up, my name is Max and the men and women around me are basically student cops. We will be making sure that your college experience is a good one. There will be at least one of us at every party one you guys decide to throw. We will also," he pointed at the paper that Cas and Molly were standing by,"be in forcing the no opposite sex dorm rule. If you have and questions please come to us. Classes start tomorrow at 8 so I suggest you guys head to those dorms and get situated."

Max hopped down from the table and walked over to Molly. He handed her a card with his number,"any questions at all." he said with a wink as he walked off.

"Someone has a crush on youu." Cas said teasing Molly.

"Oh shut up, we got dorms to find." Molly said as she grabbed cas' hand and walked towards the dorms.

They searched for what seems like hours then they found it. They stood front of their doors. Cas looked over at Molly nervously. She gave him a reassuring smile then walked in. Cas took a deep breath then entered. Molly walked in to see Claire lying on her bed in a long t-shirt and short-shorts.

Molly couldn't help but stare. Claire's blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. Claire turned around to see a dark haired goddess staring back at her. They couldn't take their eyes off of each other. Claire stood up and introduced herself while keeping eye contact with Molly. Well trying to, every now and then she would glance at molly's chest, but she didn't mind.

Dean was lying on his bed with an unbuttoned plaid shirt and jeans, listening to old rock music when Cas entered. Cas had wondering eyes, looking everywhere but at dean's eyes. Dean couldn't judge because he was doing the same. Dean pulled off his head phones and stood up.

"H-hey, I'm d-dean." Dean said staring at cas' broad chest.

"I'm Castiel, but can call me Cas." he said glancing at dean's hard abs.

"I'm here with my brother dean, he's next door, our parents wanted us to go to college for a higher education or something." Claire stated keeping her eyes on molly's.

"Same here, I mean Cas isn't my brother, aaaand you don't know who Cas it because I forgot to bring him up because you're really fucking pretty and I just happen to be bi so I don't know what to say without sounding like a huge dork or being a huge turn off so I'm just gonna ramble on and on hoping that you'll do something to shut me up, but this isn't a movie so that won't happen bu-" Molly started before Claire grabbed her waist and kissed her lips.

"or you could do that. That totally works too." Molly said with a great big smile on her face.

"Good." Claire said with a smirk before kissing Molly again.

Cas and dean stood there staring at each other. When finally Cas spoke.

"i-i should unpack before I say something dumb." Cas said as he turned to his bed which had empty drawers at the bottom.

"I'll help you!" Dean said with a dorky smile as he grabbed one of Castiel's bags.

Cas smiled, kneeled down and opened both of the drawers under his bed then slid over to make room for dean. They began to put clothes in the drawers when deans headphones started playing 'more than a feeling-boston'. Cas and dean started humming the the song together.

"You like this?" Dean asked.

"hell yeah, it's a classic!" Cas said excitedly.

Dean turned and unplugged his head phones and turned up the volume. Cas chuckled.

"What?" Dean asked with an eyebrow raised.

"You're adorable, that's as loud as it gets?" Cas said teasing Dean.

Dean turned back and turned the volume all the way up. He sat next Cas again and smirked.

"See, now I can actually hear the song." Cas joked.

When they were done unpacking, they got up and sat on Cas' bed. When then plopped down on the bed, their hands landed on each other. They didn't bother to move. The boys looked at their hands then up at each other. Dean smiled then held Cas' hand. Castiel did the same and they sat there staring into each others eyes with their hands intertwined.

"I love college." Dean said with a smirk.

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